RFR: 8164214: [JVMCI] include VarHandle in signature polymorphic method test

Paul Sandoz paul.sandoz at oracle.com
Mon Aug 22 19:49:32 UTC 2016

> On 20 Aug 2016, at 00:59, Doug Simon <doug.simon at oracle.com> wrote:
>> On 20 Aug 2016, at 02:26, Paul Sandoz <paul.sandoz at oracle.com> wrote:
>> It may be better to expose a new enum value in Flags and set the bit based on the _intrinsic_id, rather than JVMCI checking the range.
>> Thus the Flags enum value for sig-poly remains constant even if the _intrinsic_id values do not (IIUC they will change when new intrinsics are added), thus less needs to be exposed to JVMCI.
> Yes, that’s what I was thinking. The intrinsic_id range seems more subject to change than a flag.
>> e.g. something like below (not tested)?
> In the context of 8164214, I’ve just realised that making it possible to query whether a Method*/HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl is sig-poly is a red herring. In this context, we’re dealing with constant pool resolution so have neither a Method* nor HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl in hand.


> Based on this (late - sorry!) realization, I propose to add `String[] CompilerToVM.getSignaturePolymorphicHolderNames()`:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dnsimon/8164214v2

I share Christian’s concerns here, as it’s just pushing the hardcoded dependency around.

Looking more at the sig-poly call i see it already checks the klass names:

  static bool is_signature_polymorphic_name(Klass* klass, Symbol* name) {
    return signature_polymorphic_name_id(klass, name) != vmIntrinsics::_none;

  vmIntrinsics::ID MethodHandles::signature_polymorphic_name_id(Klass* klass, Symbol* name) {
    if (klass != NULL &&
        (klass->name() == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle() ||
         klass->name() == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_VarHandle())) {
      vmIntrinsics::ID iid = signature_polymorphic_name_id(name);
      if (iid != vmIntrinsics::_none)
        return iid;
      if (is_method_handle_invoke_name(klass, name))
        return vmIntrinsics::_invokeGeneric;
    return vmIntrinsics::_none;

I guess you want to gate things before calling resolveInvokeHandleInPool?

For expediency perhaps it’s best to proceed with the class dependency in JVMCI Java code and then log an issue (noting the JVMCI dependency) to clean up this sig-poly method area properly?

When i updated this area in HotSpot i took a conservative (and dumb [*]) approach. I found the sig-poly checks quite intertwined and potentially duplicating checks, but i did not wanna wanna mess around with it and start breaking things.

There are symbol checks for java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle and java_lang_invoke_VarHandle spread a little throughout the code, likewise with system dictionary checks for MethodHandle_klass and VarHandle_klass. I think we could clear all that up as a separate issue.


[*] please don’t assume that i think there is always a correlation between the two :-)
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