RFR: 8164358: [JVMCI] expose Hotspot intrinsics and HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate info to JVMCI compilers
Doug Simon
doug.simon at oracle.com
Mon Aug 22 20:31:38 UTC 2016
> On 22 Aug 2016, at 18:58, Christian Thalinger <cthalinger at twitter.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 19, 2016, at 11:39 AM, Doug Simon <doug.simon at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> On 19 Aug 2016, at 23:18, Christian Thalinger <cthalinger at twitter.com> wrote:
>>>> On Aug 19, 2016, at 5:01 AM, Doug Simon <doug.simon at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> I changed it to only try reuse the declaringClass string (which has the most overlap):
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dnsimon/8164358v2/
>>> Looks good. The only comment I have is about:
>>> VMField::klass()->initialize(thread);
>>> VMFlag::klass()->initialize(thread);
>>> + VMIntrinsicMethod::klass()->initialize(thread);
>>> We should use CHECK_NULL here too. Sure, it's very unlikely these fail but better safe than sorry.
>> Thanks for catching this! I don’t think I’ll ever develop the eye you have for consistent exception propagation in VM code. I’ve spent too much time spent in a language where this is automatic ;-)
> I hope I’ll forget soon… :-)
>> I’ve made the change in the v2 web rev.
> Yes, this looks good. One thing I noticed is somehow indent is off here:
> + VMIntrinsicMethod::set_descriptor(vmIntrinsicMethod, sig_str()); \
> + VMIntrinsicMethod::set_id(vmIntrinsicMethod, vmIntrinsics::id); \
> + vmIntrinsics->obj_at_put(index++, vmIntrinsicMethod()); \
> + }
> No need for a new webrev.
Ok - thanks for another detailed review!
>>>>> On 18 Aug 2016, at 23:59, Doug Simon <doug.simon at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On 18 Aug 2016, at 20:01, Christian Thalinger <cthalinger at twitter.com> wrote:
>>>>>> src/jdk.vm.ci/share/classes/jdk.vm.ci.hotspot/src/jdk/vm/ci/hotspot/CompilerToVM.java
>>>>>> * [String name, Long value, ...] vmAddresses,
>>>>>> + * [String name, Long value, ...] vmAddresses,
>>>>>> * VMFlag[] vmFlags
>>>>>> + * VMIntrinsicMethod[] vmIntrinsics
>>>>>> Looks like a copy-paste problem.
>>>>> Oops! Will fix.
>>>>>> src/share/vm/jvmci/jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp
>>>>>> Why do we have to do the prev_##var##_sid == sid dance? I guess it’s some optimization but does it really matter?
>>>>> It cuts down the number Strings allocated by about 35% (900 vs 582). With full string interning, the savings is around 55% (415) but the overhead of using a HashSet from VM code is prohibitive. I won’t argue strongly that it makes a big difference but since the one-element cache (per VMIntrinsicMethod string field) is fast and cheap, I don’t see why not to use it. The alternative code would look something like this:
>>>>> objArrayHandle vmIntrinsics = oopFactory::new_objArray(VMIntrinsicMethod::klass(), (vmIntrinsics::ID_LIMIT - 1), CHECK_NULL);
>>>>> int index = 0;
>>>>> #define VM_SYMBOL_TO_STRING(s) java_lang_String::create_from_symbol(vmSymbols::symbol_at(vmSymbols::VM_SYMBOL_ENUM_NAME(s)), THREAD)
>>>>> #define VM_INTRINSIC_INFO(id, kls, name, sig, ignore_fcode) { \
>>>>> instanceHandle vmIntrinsicMethod = InstanceKlass::cast(VMIntrinsicMethod::klass())->allocate_instance_handle(CHECK_NULL); \
>>>>> Handle kls_string = VM_SYMBOL_TO_STRING(kls); \
>>>>> Handle name_string = VM_SYMBOL_TO_STRING(name); \
>>>>> Handle sig_string = VM_SYMBOL_TO_STRING(sig); \
>>>>> VMIntrinsicMethod::set_declaringClass(vmIntrinsicMethod, kls_string()); \
>>>>> VMIntrinsicMethod::set_name(vmIntrinsicMethod, name_string()); \
>>>>> VMIntrinsicMethod::set_descriptor(vmIntrinsicMethod, sig_string()); \
>>>>> VMIntrinsicMethod::set_id(vmIntrinsicMethod, vmIntrinsics::id); \
>>>>> vmIntrinsics->obj_at_put(index++, vmIntrinsicMethod()); \
>>>>> }
>>>>> #undef VM_SYMBOL_TO_STRING
>>>>> #undef VM_INTRINSIC_INFO
>>>>> Better?
>>>>> -Doug
>>>>>> If we don’t have to do that I would prefer is that macro would be a method (or two).
>>>>>>> On Aug 18, 2016, at 6:50 AM, Doug Simon <doug.simon at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Please review this change which allows JVMCI compilers to see what intrinsics are defined by the VM and which methods have been annotated by HotSpotIntrisicCandidate.
>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8164358
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dnsimon/8164358/
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> -Doug
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