RFR(XS): 8148353: [linux-sparc] Crash in libawt.so on Linux SPARC

Dean Long dean.long at oracle.com
Mon Feb 22 22:02:33 UTC 2016

And is this a duplicate of 8056950?


On 2/22/2016 1:53 PM, Dean Long wrote:
> How does this relate to CCallingConventionRequiresIntsAsLongs?  Can 
> you just set it to true for Sparc?  It seems like fixing a similar 
> issue on ppc64 required a lot more changes, so I'm concerned we might 
> be missing something.
> dl
> On 2/22/2016 2:05 AM, Roland Westrelin wrote:
>> Native code is passed an int (in a 64 bit register) which has some 
>> bits set in the upper 32 bit half. The native code uses that value 
>> for an address computation. That results in a wrong memory access. 
>> From a few experiments with code generated by gcc, it seems it 
>> expects values to be clean on function entry. The fix cleans the 32 
>> bit value before the native call.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~roland/8148353/webrev.00/
>> Roland.

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