[9] RFR(M): 8146629: Make phase->is_IterGVN() accessible from Node::Identity and Node::Value

Krystal Mok rednaxelafx at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 22:40:48 UTC 2016

That's interesting. Out of curiosity, would adding a "bool can_reshape"
argument to Identity() and Value() do the job, just like the way Ideal()
does it?
If so, what was the trade off that led to this change as opposed to adding
an argument?


On Thursday, January 7, 2016, Vladimir Kozlov <vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com>

> Perfect.
> Thanks,
> Vladimir
> On 1/7/16 10:51 AM, Tobias Hartmann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> please review the following patch.
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8146629
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~thartmann/8146629/webrev.00/
>> Currently, there is no way to determine in Node::Identity() and
>> Node::Value() if we were called from GVN or IGVN but sometimes we would
>> like to do optimizations based on this information (for example, see
>> discussion in RFR for JDK-8136469 [1]). I changed the arguments of
>> Node::Identity() and Node::Value() from PhaseTransform* to PhaseGVN*. Like
>> this, we can simply call PhaseValues::is_IterGVN() from both methods.
>> Thanks,
>> Tobias
>> [1]
>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-compiler-dev/2016-January/020670.html
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