RFR (M): 8143925: Enhancing CounterMode.crypt() for AES

Vitaly Davidovich vitalyd at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 12:38:18 UTC 2016

Roland, thanks for elaborating; a few comments inline ...

On Friday, January 8, 2016, Roland Westrelin <roland.westrelin at oracle.com>

> > Does checkIndex match on it? If so, is there a reason to proceed with
> intrinsifying checkIndex?
> I expect it would in some cases but not all.
> The pattern matching needs profiling to tell the branches that would
> trigger an exception are never taken, then only can the tests be folded and
> made to look like a range check for the next optimization passes. Profiling
> can be polluted or not mature enough. The intrinsic assumes the exception
> path are never taken and doesn't rely on profiling (then if the check does
> fail we recompile and don't use the intrinsic). We take the use of the
> checkIndex API as a hint that the checks are not expected to fail.

As a general comment, would it make sense to assume exceptional paths are
not taken in most Java code? That is, for code optimization purposes it's
probably a reasonable assumption.  It seems like having an exceptional path
is already a hint that it's not expected to fail; most Java devs know not
to use exceptions for expected control flow.

> Also, for the pattern matching to work, in i <0 || i >= length the
> compiler needs to know enough on the range of values taken by length to be
> able to fold. Again we see checkIndex as an indication that length is
> positive and if we can't prove it we compile a predicate to verify that it
> is so we can safely use an unsigned compare. Again we take the use of
> checkIndex as a hint that the length argument is positive.

Could bytecode shape just like checkIndex be treated as same hint? Are
there cases where something looks like checkIndex but really isn't?

> Roland.
> >
> > On Wednesday, January 6, 2016, Vladimir Kozlov <
> vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > Note, we already have range check pattern matching code in C2 (thanks to
> Roland):
> >
> > https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8137168
> >
> > Vladimir
> >
> > On 1/6/16 12:39 PM, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
> > I don't think there's a need to write out 20 different ways to do a
> > range check -- I think nobody would expect all 20 to be covered by the
> > optimizer.  Some of those variations may not map cleanly to
> > Object::checkIndex either, nor is there any guarantee that people will
> > update all their existing range checks (or even know about) to use
> > Object::checkIndex -- some code will be left unoptimized no matter what.
> >
> > But my point is the same as Andrew's, I think; instead of making
> > checkIndex an intrinsic, simply add a pattern match against that exact
> > bytecode shape (perhaps with basic canonicalization) and then still
> > encourage people to use Object::checkIndex.  This is better than
> > intrinsic (modulo profile pollution) since any other code that happens
> > to use same pattern will match as well, and not require an update to use
> > checkIndex.  Then, if someone comes to this list with an unoptimized
> > example with a different bytecode shape and has a convincing argument
> > that the code shape is "common", you guys can consider pattern matching
> > that as well.
> >
> > On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 2:50 PM, John Rose <john.r.rose at oracle.com
> <javascript:;>
> > <mailto:john.r.rose at oracle.com <javascript:;>>> wrote:
> >
> >
> >      > On Jan 6, 2016, at 9:56 AM, Vitaly Davidovich <vitalyd at gmail.com
> <javascript:;>
> >     <mailto:vitalyd at gmail.com <javascript:;>>> wrote:
> >      >
> >      > better canonicalization
> >
> >     That's our first and most important tactic.  (Actually inlining is.)
> >
> >     But the various idioms for checkIndex do not canonicalize easily. In
> >     this case the correct trade-off is not to invest more time and
> >     research and code into stronger canonicalization.
> >
> >     We do have canonicalization of if-expressions. It's just that in
> >     this case strengthening it to cover range checks reliably is harder
> >     than the reasonable alternative.
> >
> >     – John
> >
> >     PS.  I am tempted to write out a list of 20 different ways to code a
> >     range check but will leave that as a exercise.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sent from my phone

Sent from my phone
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