RFR(S): 8147432: JVMCI should report bailouts in PrintCompilation output

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Tue Jan 19 20:02:07 UTC 2016

Looks good.


On 1/19/16 11:32 AM, Tom Rodriguez wrote:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~never/8147432/webrev/index.html
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8147432
> Currently JVMCI compiles either produce code or they don’t but nothing is reported for failures.  This adds a new
> CompilationRequestResult object that can return a human readable message to be included in the normal “COMPILE SKIPPED”
> style message.  I’ve refactored the printing so it’s shared between compiles.  The result can also include the number of
> inlined byte codes for use by things like CITimeEach.  Additionally I removed the
> CompilationToVM.notifyCompilationStatistics as this was apparently a left over.  Tested with specjvm and
> PrintCompilation which has a few OSR bailouts plus injecting some exceptions to make sure they were reported correctly.
> tom

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