RFR(S): 8063112: Compiler diagnostic commands should have locking instead of safepoint

Nils Eliasson nils.eliasson at oracle.com
Tue Jan 26 10:40:06 UTC 2016

Hi Vladimir,

On 2016-01-22 20:23, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
> Why you need new print method? Why you can't use existing print()?
> Also I prefer to get current compilation tasks print in separate lines 
> - not in the list of threads. Then you don't need to use new print?

Works for me. I moved it directly after the existing thread printing:

---------------  P R O C E S S  ---------------

Java Threads: ( => current thread )
   0x00007f4cfc485000 JavaThread "Service Thread" daemon 
[_thread_blocked, id=22409, stack(0x00007f4bf1c5e000,0x00007f4bf1d5f000)]
   0x00007f4cfc476000 JavaThread "Sweeper thread" daemon 
[_thread_blocked, id=22408, stack(0x00007f4bf1d5f000,0x00007f4bf1e60000)]
   0x00007f4cfc018800 JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_vm, id=22332, 

Other Threads:
   0x00007f4cfc3ea000 VMThread [stack: 
0x00007f4bf36dc000,0x00007f4bf37dd000] [id=22388]
   0x00007f4cfc486800 WatcherThread [stack: 
0x00007f4bf1b5d000,0x00007f4bf1c5e000] [id=22410]

Threads with active compile tasks:
   0x00007f4cfc46a800 id=22403 Compiling:     244    1       3 
java.lang.String::isLatin1 (19 bytes)

> I am worry about using locks for printing because print code also has 
> locks. Do we really have to have locks here? The output for these 
> directives is local bufferedStream. As I understand it is separate for 
> each directive. So why you need lock? Or VM operation as before?

I think you are mixing my two RFRs together - this change doesn't print 

I am removing vm_ops from three diagnostic commands that uses code that 
expects safepoint or lock. Some of the commands are really quick, and 
requesting a safepoint is overkill when it can be done concurrently. 
Only new lock taken is the thread lock when iterating the compiler 
threads from the Compiler.queue jcmd. The thread lock is ranked so it 
can not be reordered with the compile.queue lock.

I cleaned it up a bit further and removed the unused 
print_compiler_threads_on(...) from compileBroker. It is printed in 
JavaThread::print_on(..) where all the other thread info is located.

Hs_err-file looks like the example above.

jcmd Thread.print looks like this for compiling threads:

C1 CompilerThread13" #19 daemon prio=9 os_prio=0 tid=0x00007f8748471800 
nid=0x7732 runnable [0x0000000000000000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
    JavaThread state: _thread_in_native
Thread: 0x00007f8748471800  [0x7732] State: _at_safepoint 
_has_called_back 0 _at_poll_safepoint 0
    JavaThread state: _thread_in_native
    Compiling:  716    b  2       java.util.regex.Pattern::compile (406 

And Compiler.queue looks like this:

"Current compiles:
C1 CompilerThread14 435    b  2 java.net.URLStreamHandler::parseURL 
(1166 bytes)

C1 compile queue:

C2 compile queue:

New webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~neliasso/8063112/webrev.04/


> Thanks,
> Vladimir
> On 1/22/16 6:40 AM, Nils Eliasson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please review.
>> Summary:
>> Firstly this change removes the unnecessary vm-ops from three compiler
>> diagnostic commands and adds locking instead.
>> Secondly the Compiler.queue diagnostic command is improved with printing
>> of any active compilations. I found this useful when diagnosing a 
>> rouge VM.
>> Thirdly, as a bonus, I also add printing of active compilations in the
>> thread section of the hs_err file. Very useful when investigating VMs
>> terminated by a timeout.
>> Testing:
>> This does not pass all tests yet. A few tests is dependent on the output
>> from the diagnostic command, and I want to be sure the reviewers are
>> happy with the output format first.
>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8063112
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~neliasso/8063112/webrev.02/
>> Regards,
>> Nils

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