RFR(M): 8148375: [jittester] Bug with generation function with void parameter and non empty arguments

Tatiana Pivovarova tatiana.pivovarova at oracle.com
Wed Jan 27 17:15:12 UTC 2016


Please review the following patch for jit-tester.

When jit-tester generates Function node with void return type and with 
some arguments then this function in .java file returns arg_0.
While I fixed this bug there accumulated some small fixes like:
  - small performance improvement in SymbolTabe::merge function
  - renamed 'klass' to 'owner' where it make sense
  - added more stream-style
- moved TypeUtil to utils package
  - changed Makefile to get ability to use different 'seed' and 
'number-of-tests' (not only from property file)

bug-id: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8148375
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tpivovarova/8148375/webrev.00/

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