RFR: 8146416: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError triggers: assert(current_bci == 0) failed: bci isn't zero for do_not_unlock_if_synchronized

Jamsheed C m jamsheed.c.m at oracle.com
Wed May 25 16:57:27 UTC 2016

On 5/25/2016 9:44 PM, Roland Westrelin wrote:
>> if realloc failure happened for non exception deoptimization then? we
>> need to throw an exception at runtime exit..
> Then thread->exception_oop() is null and we don't clear the pending
> exception?

my worry is this, we do all computation (vframe array) using one 
exception or no exception at all.. and later change it to realloc 
exception.. wouldn't this cause and issue at unpack.

isn' t checking exception at interpreter return and pop all frames is 
better thing to do, here?

Best Regards,
> Roland.

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