Odd interaction between ArrayList$Itr and Escape Analysis

Krystal Mok rednaxelafx at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 15:37:19 UTC 2016

Hi guys,

Here's the HotSpot-side patch, based on OpenJDK9 HotSpot:

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kmo/8166840/webrev.00/

Please give me a preliminary idea of how you guys feel about the patch, and
then I'll start an actual review thread if people agree on the direction of
this patch.

Note: This is the way javac constructs that "XXX$1" name for the

So name matching on "$1" suffix is sufficient here to workaround this
particular pattern from javac.

P.S. I haven't built OpenJDK9 in quite a while now, and apparently the
makefiles have changed and the scripts that I used to build JDK7u / JDK8u
doesn't work on JDK9. What's the current recommended way to build just
HotSpot with fastdebug / product levels?

Kris (OpenJDK username: kmo)

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 3:12 AM, Vladimir Ivanov <
vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com> wrote:

> Kris,
> And I'm happy to upstream that patch, if the team is interested.
> Sure, we are definitely interested in fixing that. Feel free to file a bug
> and send the fix out for review.
> Now, when I first discovered the problem, my first intuition was that
>> it's better to "fix" it in javac. But before nest mates in the Class
>> file, there isn't much that javac could do. Changing the Java libraries
>> to not use private constructors in inner classes is also doable, but
>> needs changing a lot of files.
> I agree that javac is not the best place to fix the immediate problem: it
> requires recompilation and there are already lots of problematic bytecode
> shapes out in the wild. The JVM should optimize for that case instead.
> So I ended up fixing it in the VM, even though I agree fully with what
>> Rémi brought up.
> I'm curious how did you fix it. I haven't found a description in the
> thread.
> It's possible to force class loading, but I'm worried about undesirable
> effects of class initialization. Is it enough for C2 to have the class
> loaded but not initialized to make it work?
> Another approach would be to issue a null check and deoptimize (for bridge
> methods, the check collapses after inlining since the argument is always
> null) or add a nmethod dependency and throw away the code when the
> parameter class is loaded.
> Best regards,
> Vladimir Ivanov
> The access constructor tag thingy in javac is really a weird hack. If
>> you guys ever look at the contents of ArrayList$1, it's really empty
>> -- the class doesn't even declare some of the usual structures in a
>> normal Class file... Hopefully we can get rid of it in javac soon.
> On Tuesday, September 13, 2016, Vitaly Davidovich <vitalyd at gmail.com
>> <mailto:vitalyd at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     On Tuesday, September 13, 2016, Remi Forax <forax at univ-mlv.fr
>>     <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','forax at univ-mlv.fr');>> wrote:
>>         I've always found that the empty inner classes generated by
>>         javac as a kind of hack.
>>         These classes should be removed in Java 10, thanks to the
>>         nestmate attributes.
>>         http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/valhalla-spec-experts
>> /2016-January/000060.html
>>         <http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/valhalla-spec-expert
>> s/2016-January/000060.html>
>>         The other solution, is to have an empty class in the jdk which
>>         is not visible from javac (the class itself can be marked as
>>         synthetic),
>>         so javac can use it without creating method clash.
>>         and to solve the problem now, the easy solution is to add a
>>         package private constructor in ArrayList.Itr,
>>     I'm hoping Oracle can take Kris' (Azul) patch (or do something
>>     similar).  It might catch more cases than just modifying Itr.
>>         private class Itr implements Iterator<E> {
>>         int cursor; // index of next element to return
>>         int lastRet = -1; // index of last element returned; -1 if no such
>>         int expectedModCount = modCount;
>>         Itr() {
>>         // avoid to generate a synthetic accessor constructor
>>         }
>>         }
>>         regards,
>>         Rémi
>>         ------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------
>>             *De: *"Vitaly Davidovich" <vitalyd at gmail.com>
>>             *À: *"Krystal Mok" <rednaxelafx at gmail.com>
>>             *Cc: *"hotspot compiler" <hotspot-compiler-dev at openjdk.
>> java.net>
>>             *Envoyé: *Lundi 12 Septembre 2016 22:15:41
>>             *Objet: *Re: Odd interaction between ArrayList$Itr and
>>             Escape Analysis
>>             On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 3:56 PM, Krystal Mok
>>             <rednaxelafx at gmail.com> wrote:
>>                 On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Vitaly Davidovich
>>                 <vitalyd at gmail.com> wrote:
>>                     It seems odd to me as well why inlining won't force
>>                     load the missing class(es).  If we're inlining, it
>>                     means the method itself or the call chain it's part
>>                     of is hot - failing to inline can have negative
>>                     side-effects, like this example.  I suppose there
>>                     must be a good reason why it doesn't do this though?
>>                 That's because we can't. The JIT compilers are running
>>                 on their own threads, and they're not real "Java
>>                 threads". So they are not allowed to run arbitrary Java
>>                 code. But Java class loading may involve running
>>                 arbitrary Java code, e.g. the ClassLoader.loadClass()
>>                 upcall.
>>                 Force class loading can be done on the triggering side
>>                 (for the top-level method), because compilation tasks
>>                 are triggered from real Java threads, and they're
>>                 allowed to run arbitrary Java code.
>>             I see, makes sense.  Perhaps there can be an option to turn
>>             on loading of required types in the entire compilation unit,
>>             after all inlining is done (and therefore make the unloaded
>>             types not be barriers for inlining).  I'd personally prefer
>>             that over having odd performance differences.
>>                 - Kris
>>             Thanks Kris.
>>     --
>>     Sent from my phone
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