[10] RFR (S): C2: missing strength reduction of Math.pow(x, 2.0D) to x*x

Vladimir Ivanov vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
Tue Dec 12 19:16:19 UTC 2017


Math.pow() was completely rewritten on 9 and important special case
(exponent == 2.0) was missed. It caused severe performance regression
(up to 10x) on some numeric code.

The fix is two-fold:
   * add special case in C2 to transform pow(x,2.0) into x*x;
   * for consistency of results between different execution modes
(interpreter, C1, and C2), add special case into generated stub at

Some clarifications follow.

   * microbenchmark
   * hs-precheckin-comp, hs-tier1, hs-tier2 (in progress)
   * test case from 8189172 on consistency of results

The fix doesn't cover all possible cases (e.g., when exponent is not a
constant during parsing, but becomes such later). I experimented with
more elaborate fix, but wasn't satisfied with the results and chose
simpler route.

I see 2 alternatives:

(1) Introduce macro node PowD and either transform it into MulD if
exponent == 2.0D or expand it into CallLeafNode. The downside is that
PowD should be CallNode and replacing it with a MulD requires some IR
tweaking around it.

(2) Introduce a runtime check before calling the stub (prototype [1]).
If exponent becomes 2.0 later, the check is folded and stub call is
removed. The downside is that when exponent doesn't turn into 2.0, the
check stays and duplicates the check in the stub. Unfortunately, there's
no way to remove it from the stub, because interpreter & C1 relies on
it. Otherwise, inconsistent computation results become possible (like
JDK-8189172 [2]).

So, I decided to go with a simple fix and cover most common case
(explicit usage of 2.0 with Math.pow) for now.

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

[1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~vlivanov/8190869/webrev.runtime_check
[2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8189172

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