RFR: 8172169: Re-examine String field optionality

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Mon Jan 2 19:36:58 UTC 2017

Hi Claes,

There should not be performance impact on compiled code since the check is done during compilation.
And there could be a negligible effect in Interpreter.

I agree that coder field should be not optional since jdk 9. I think it was made optional at the initial development 
phase of compact stings implementation (8141132) when we had both types of String class.

I also remember there were tests (and customers .jar files) which put different implementation of String class on boot 
class path which failed if we don't check presence of these fields. But with modules in jdk 9 it may not relevant any more.

Removing hash field optionality is fine since looking back on 6924259 changes - hash field was never removed from String 



The only concern I have is testing. You need to run as many as possible jdk and Hotspot tests (use RBT).


On 1/2/17 8:54 AM, Claes Redestad wrote:
> Hi,
> hash_offset and coder_offset are set up to be optional, although there is
> code that doesn't honor this (which would be a bug if the fields actually
> *were* optional).  When the optionality is honored, there's a performance
> risk, especially on platforms with weak or no branch prediction.
> Since optional fields makes little sense in a world without hotspot express,
> I think these should simply be made non-optional.
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8172169/webrev.01
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8172169
> Testing: JPRT pass.
> Thanks!
> /Claes

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