RFR(S): 8172145: C2: anti dependence missed because store hidden by membar

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Tue Jan 3 18:08:52 UTC 2017


I assume you will send "[8u] Request for approval" for this backport.

Changes should be applied cleanly to 8u sources so you don't need additional review for backport.



On 1/3/17 9:07 AM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
> On 1/3/17 8:30 AM, Doerr, Martin wrote:
>> Hi Vladimir,
>> thank you very much for sponsoring.
>> I have changed the priority to 2. No simple workaround.
>> I think it should also get downported to 8, right?
> Yes, it should be backported.
> Vladimir
>> Thanks and best regards,
>> Martin
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Vladimir Kozlov [mailto:vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com]
>> Sent: Dienstag, 3. Januar 2017 17:27
>> To: Doerr, Martin <martin.doerr at sap.com>; Andrew Haley <aph at redhat.com>; 'hotspot-compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net' <hotspot-compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net>
>> Subject: Re: RFR(S): 8172145: C2: anti dependence missed because store hidden by membar
>> On 1/3/17 2:49 AM, Doerr, Martin wrote:
>>> Hi Vladimir,
>>> thank you very much for this hint. It's a better way to fix the problem. I have tested it.
>>> New webrev is here:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mdoerr/8172145_C2_antidep/webrev.01/
>> Looks good.
>>> With this change, adlc generates an appropriate function:
>>> const TypePtr *membar_volatileNode::adr_type() const { return
>>> TypePtr::BOTTOM; }
>>> Without this change, MachNode::adr_type() gets used which doesn't fit well to membar nodes.
>>> Do you still need information about the ideal graph?
>> No, I originally thought there was a problem in Ideal graph. But it was not the case.
>> And it fixed your problem - you said you tested it. So everything is good. I will sponsor it.
>> It may fix other, difficult to reproduce, problems as well since this membar is used in G1 barriers and other places.
>> Thanks,
>> Vladimir
>>> Thanks and best regards,
>>> Martin
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Vladimir Kozlov [mailto:vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com]
>>> Sent: Montag, 2. Januar 2017 22:05
>>> To: Andrew Haley <aph at redhat.com>; Doerr, Martin
>>> <martin.doerr at sap.com>; 'hotspot-compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net'
>>> <hotspot-compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net>
>>> Subject: Re: RFR(S): 8172145: C2: anti dependence missed because store
>>> hidden by membar
>>> Hmm, may be it is because MemBarVolatile is not listed in InstructForm::is_wide_memory_kill() in adlc/formssel.cpp.
>>> I think we should list it in is_wide_memory_kill(). I looked on all places where it is added and all use AliasIdxBot - wide memory.
>>> Vladimir
>>> On 1/2/17 12:47 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>>> I think the problem is this:
>>>> "The membar's adr_type is NULL so can_alias returns false and reordering is not prevented."
>>>> It should not be NULL. Type should be TypePtr::BOTTOM or specific memory related type.
>>>> Loads should not be moved below membar if membar is wide (TypePtr::BOTTOM, affect all memory).
>>>> It would be interesting to see these nodes in Ideal graph. What memory connections there?
>>>>    if (support_IRIW_for_not_multiple_copy_atomic_cpu && field->is_volatile()) {
>>>>      insert_mem_bar(Op_MemBarVolatile);   // StoreLoad barrier
>>>> Node* GraphKit::insert_mem_bar(int opcode, Node* precedent) {
>>>>    MemBarNode* mb = MemBarNode::make(C, opcode, Compile::AliasIdxBot,
>>>> precedent);
>>>> and
>>>>    _alias_types[AliasIdxBot]->Init(AliasIdxBot, TypePtr::BOTTOM);
>>>> So I don't get why you have "adr_type is NULL"
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Vladimir
>>>> On 12/30/16 7:34 AM, Andrew Haley wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> On 30/12/16 13:29, Doerr, Martin wrote:
>>>>>> we found a C2 Compiler bug which leads to incorrect reordering of
>>>>>> memory accesses on PPC64 due to missing anti-dependency. Details
>>>>>> are described here:
>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8172145
>>>>> Another missing anti-dependency!
>>>>>> The issue can be fixed by this webrev:
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mdoerr/8172145_C2_antidep/webrev.00/
>>>>> Wouldn't it make more sense to calculate is_Mach_MemBarVolatile lazily?
>>>>> Andrew.

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