RFR: JDK-8172285: UL support for PrintCompilation

Yasumasa Suenaga yasuenag at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 12:42:34 UTC 2017

*This reveiw request continues from [1]*

Hi all,

I uploaded a webrev to use UL in PrintCompilation/PrintInlinig/PrintIntrinsics.
Could you review it?


I cannot access JPRT. So I need a sponsor.

According to JEP 158 [2], we should remove existed logging code, and should redirect from PrintCompilation/PrintInlinig/PrintIntrinsics to UL tags.
This webrev does not remove existed code. Please tell me if I can remove them.



[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-compiler-dev/2017-January/025269.html
[2] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/158

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