[9] RFR 8173158: [AOT] fix typo in jaotc --help output

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Tue Jan 24 17:06:26 UTC 2017

Thank you for explaining. I will update help output.


On 1/24/17 12:53 AM, Rickard Bäckman wrote:
> On 01/23, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>> Thank you, Rickard
>> On 1/23/17 5:42 AM, Rickard Bäckman wrote:
>>> Good.
>>> But if you are changing the help. --search-path is only used for jar
>>> files now.
>> Not for modules? What is used for modules then?
> --module <name> loads from the loaded modules in the jrt:// filesystem.
> It doesn't search the normal filesystem. --jar works for that.
> /R
>> Thanks,
>> Vladimir
>>> /R
>>> On 01/21, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kvn/8173158/webrev/
>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8173158
>>>> Small cleanup of jaotc --help output. Fix typo, reorder printing order.
>>>> Changed description of list values similar to javac flags. But I am
>>>> not sure about this - may be is better to have comment following
>>>> flags that "List values use : as separator". What do you think?
>>>> Rename following options but keep previous name as alias (both names
>>>> are accepted):
>>>> --classname : --class-name
>>>> --directory : --class-directory
>>>> --threads   : --compile-threads
>>>> After changes 'jaotc --help' output:
>>>> Usage: jaotc <options> | <list...>
>>>>  list    A list of class names, modules, jar files or directories which
>>>>          contains class files.
>>>> where options include:
>>>>  --output <file>            Output file name
>>>>  --class-name <class names> A : separated list of classes to compile
>>>>  --class-directory <dirs>   A : separated list of directories where
>>>> to search for class files to compile
>>>>  --jar <jarfiles>           A : separated list of jar files to compile
>>>>  --module <modules>         A : separated list of modules to compile
>>>>  --search-path <dirs>       A : separated list of directories where
>>>> to search for jar files and modules
>>>>  --compile-commands <file>  Name of file with compile commands
>>>>  --compile-for-tiered       Generate profiling code for tiered compilation
>>>>  --compile-with-assertions  Compile with java assertions
>>>>  --compile-threads <number> Number of compilation threads to be used
>>>>  --ignore-errors            Ignores all exceptions thrown during
>>>> class loading
>>>>  --exit-on-error            Exit on compilation errors
>>>>  --info                     Print information during compilation
>>>>  --verbose                  Print verbose information
>>>>  --debug                    Print debug information
>>>>  --help                     Print this usage message
>>>>  --version                  Version information
>>>>  -J<flag>                   Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Vladimir

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