RFR(XS): 8185567: fix hsdis cpu to architecture mapping on various Linux platforms

David Buck david.buck at oracle.com
Mon Jul 31 13:06:14 UTC 2017


Would you please review this small set of very simple build fixes to hsdis?

bug report: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8185567

proposed fix: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dbuck/8185567.0/

With these changes, hsdis should now correctly build out of the box (no 
manual editing of files needed) on Linux with any of the following 
return values of "uname -m":


I made it a point to *not* break anything that previously worked. So, 
for example, aarch64 environments will still compile for aarch64 even 
when the build target is "all" and not "all64". While forcing it to try 
and build a 32-bit binary would be more consistent with what happens 
with "make all" on linux-amd64 or solaris-sparcv9, I decided to leave 
things as they are in case any aarch64 users depend on the current 
behavior. Similarly, an attempt to run "make all" on linux-sparcv9 will 
continue to try and build against whatever the return value of "uname 
-m" was. Of course running "make all64" now does the right thing and 
targets "sparcv9".


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