[10] JBS: 8167408: Invalid critical JNI function lookup

Vladimir Ivanov vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
Wed Nov 1 12:46:53 UTC 2017

No magic here: the test isn't designed to be executed in interpreter and 
always expect LookUp::test() to be compiled first.

Normal JNI entries are empty, but the test checks that the first element 
is written to on the first invocation.

I agree that the bug is specific to JIT-compilers, since critical entry 
points (JavaCritical_) are called only from compiled code. Interpreter 
always goes through ordinary native counterparts (Java_).

IMO using -Xcomp is fine to force the methods to be compiled. -Xbatch is 
redundant in that case.

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

On 11/1/17 7:46 AM, David Holmes wrote:
> On 1/11/2017 1:11 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> On 1/11/2017 1:03 PM, dean.long at oracle.com wrote:
>>> Much better.  But why does the test need -Xbatch -Xcomp?  To me this 
>>> doesn't look like a compiler-only issue.  The test should give the 
>>> same result with -Xint right?  Adding runtime alias for their input...
>> AFAICS this should be a completely compiler and platform agnostic issue. 
> Platform agnostic yes, but the test fails without -Xcomp (doesn't seem 
> to need -Xbatch). So there's something about this critical function 
> mechanism that I don't understand.
> That said the test needs more logging so that if it does fail you can 
> see what, if anything got executed. So the non-critical versions of the 
> methods should print that they were called, and for good measure also 
> the critical versions.
> Thanks,
> David

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