RFR (S): 8191129 - AARCH64: Invalid value passed to critical JNI function

Dmitry Chuyko dmitry.chuyko at bell-sw.com
Wed Nov 22 14:58:55 UTC 2017


Please review a fix for JNI Critical test failures and crashes on 
aarch64, it includes common tests changes.

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8191129
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dchuyko/8191129/webrev.00/

1. Platform specific part

Original fix from JDK-8167409 was imported, it makes failures more 
deterministic: Unimplemented() or ShouldNotReachHere(). Implementation 
of the feature is not complete so another change is to forcibly set 
CriticalJNINatives to false during initialization.

2. Common part (tests)

Tests in criticalnatives read CriticalJNINatives flag using WhiteBox and 
ignore values check if the flag is false.

Both tests pass on x86_64 and aarch64.


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