Question about C1 exception handling code

Andrew Dinn adinn at
Tue Feb 27 15:42:12 UTC 2018

On 27/02/18 15:33, Roland Westrelin wrote:
>> I'll happily acknowledge that I only have a vague overview of how the C1
>> code works. Am I missing some clever trick here which requires the inner
>> loop to reset the counter for the outer loop to handlers->length() by
>> the time it completes? Or is this really just an obvious mistake?
> Are you saying there's an actual bug or is it mostly a coding style
> issue? Doesn't the second int i declaration hide the first one so the
> code is confusing but correct?
Ah, yes, brain-fart! I overlooked the fact that the inner use is employs
a loop-local declaration and so merely shadows the outer one. Thanks for
the correction.


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
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