jaotc: unexpected long compile time for a 3012-byte generated class

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Wed Jan 24 09:07:14 UTC 2018

On 24/01/18 08:00, Tianxiao Gu wrote:
> I found some abnormal behavior of jaotc. It takes *23* minutes for
> jaotc (head) to compile a 3012-byte generated class file (C0.class)
> and jaotc ends with a fatal error. I have managed to reproduce this issue
> on my machine for 4 times.

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1u9O3uPkvucX6PWQkMFER3NAUWIR_KglE

You really need to take this up with the Graal developers.
graal-dev at openjdk.java.net <graal-dev at openjdk.java.net>

Andrew Haley
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <https://www.redhat.com>
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