RFR(S): 8196401: PPC64+s390: get_frame_at_stack_banging_point uses wrong PC

Doerr, Martin martin.doerr at sap.com
Tue Jan 30 13:47:40 UTC 2018


we have found a bug in get_frame_at_stack_banging_point on PPC64 and s390 by reading code.

C1 and C2 JIT compilers generate stack banging code before the code for saving the PC on PPC64 and s390.
Hence, the PC needs to be picked from the signal context (LR on PPC64 and R14 on s390) to create a correct frame object.

Currently, the top frame can not be checked for reserved stack annotation because the frame doesn't get a PC which points into the nmethod.

Proposed fix:

Please review.

Best regards,

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