[11] RFR(S) 8193126: Incorrect setting of MetaspaceSize and NewSizeThreadIncrease when using JVMCI compiler

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Thu Jul 5 23:17:40 UTC 2018


JVMCI reset some flags values to improve Graal code generation. But some 
settings were copied from C1 setting which cause change of Server VM 
behavior with Graal JIT vs when C2 JIT is used. For example, the default 
MetaspaceSize value with C2 is about 21Mb but it was reset to 12Mb for 
JVMCI which causes addition metaspace collections and Java heap 
collections too (for class unloading).

It also cause some unexpected failures in testing. Like JDK-8203174.

I propose to select max values for some sizes.

Tested tier1, tier2, graal-tier3, graal-tier4


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