8193935: RFR(S): Illegal countedLoops transformation
Nils Eliasson
nils.eliasson at oracle.com
Tue Mar 20 11:49:03 UTC 2018
Hi Vladimir,
On 2018-03-19 22:31, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
> Hi Nils,
> Do I miss something in explanation? The check you added should be true
> for all normal loops:
Yes, I need to add some proper documentation for this.
> if (limit_t->_hi > incr_t->_hi) {
> return false; // limit might be a value that incr never can reach
> Fro example:
> for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {}
This would be:
i1 <- 0;
i2 <- phi(0 , i3)
i3 <- add(i2, 1)
cmp (i3, 10)
jlt loop
inct_t is the type for i3 - IntType[0, 10]
limit_t is IntType[10, 10]
My case is something like:
void testMethod(int[] array){
int i = 0;
while (true)
sum + = array[i];
i = i && 0x7fff;
In this case incr_t is the type of i at the end of the loop (or before
the loop-phi at the start)- which is IntType[0,0x7fff]
If array is longer than 0x8000 this code should never terminate. If
array is shorter, it will get an AIOOB.
Counted loops transform this into:
int j = 0;
while (true) {
sum += array[j];
Best regards,
> 10 > 1 and you will not convert this loop into counted.
> Thanks,
> Vladimir
> On 3/19/18 2:17 AM, Nils Eliasson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This bug was found in mpegaudio hiding behind the loop predication.
>> The Counted loop transformation may loose a significant truncation
>> which changes the behaviour of the program.
>> CountedLoopNode::match_incr_with_optional_truncation finds the
>> truncation Op_AndI(0x7fff) and sets trunc_t = TypeInt::CHAR. However
>> the program does not use it for a char truncation, but a accessing an
>> array as a circular buffer. (Any other mask would have hidden this
>> problem since char truncation is the only one matched).
>> A loop is succesfully matched as a countedloop, and when the trip
>> counter is cloned it drops the truncation. In the intended char-case
>> that is ok. In this case the truncation prevents the program from
>> hitting an AIOOB.
>> In the general case, if a truncated loop counter is compared to an
>> array length (or any variable) it must be provable that the array
>> length is less than the truncation, and then the truncation can be
>> omitted. If the array length can be longer, the exit may never be
>> taken - the loop may never terminate, and a counted loop transform
>> can not be performed.
>> One additional topic of discussion is if we really want to do counted
>> loop transformations with a RangeCheck as exit point. Especially if
>> the profiling shows that the RangeCheck never fails. In the loop that
>> fails there are multiple exits, many which are RangeChecks.
>> For additional optimization opportunities we could consider rotating
>> the loop until a normal compare is the loop exit condition.
>> Image of significant parts of node graph (the entire loop with its
>> multiple exits, is omitted):
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~neliasso/8193935/mpegaudio.png
>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8193935
>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~neliasso/8193935/webrev.01
>> Please review,
>> Nils Eliasson
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