RFR(L): 8198691: CodeHeap State Analytics

Schmidt, Lutz lutz.schmidt at sap.com
Thu Mar 22 08:38:41 UTC 2018

Hi Tobias, Vladimir, 

I have a new webrev available, but have to request some more patience. Our nightly tests did not run last night. I don't want to send the RFR update around with zero advance test coverage. 

I have misunderstood Vladimir's comment in the first place. Based on that, I implemented what you would probably call "nano locking". It's not too complicated. Maybe you just want to have a look. If you don't like it, I can acquire the tty_lock before calling each individual print function. 

Please stay tuned!

On 22.03.18, 09:27, "Tobias Hartmann" <tobias.hartmann at oracle.com> wrote:

    Hi Lutz,
    On 20.03.2018 23:01, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
    > I think to have "micro locking" (with comments) in print_heapinfo() is better then to have lock in
    > each print function.
    Yes, I think so too.
    Best regards,

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