RFR(M): 8198756: Lazy allocation of compiler threads

Erik Osterlund erik.osterlund at oracle.com
Sat Mar 24 15:49:29 UTC 2018


Just thought I should mention that no JavaThread (hence including compiler threads) that has been added to the Threads list may be deleted directly with delete. Instead you should call it with SMR by calling smr_delete().


> On 24 Mar 2018, at 01:58, Vladimir Kozlov <vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com> wrote:
>> On 3/23/18 10:37 AM, Doerr, Martin wrote:
>> Hi Vladimir,
>> thanks for the quick reply. Just a few answers. I'll take a closer look next week.
>>> You can't delete thread when it is NULL
>> C++ supports calling delete NULL so I think it would be uncommon to check it. If there's a problem, I think the delete operator should get fixed.
>> "If expression evaluates to a null pointer value, no destructors are called, and the deallocation function may or may not be called (it's implementation-defined), but the default deallocation functions are guaranteed to do nothing when handed a null pointer." [1]
> I am sure our code analyzing tool, which we use to check code correctness, will compliant about it.
>>> We may need to free corresponding java thread object when we remove compiler threads.
>> I think it would be bad to remove the Java Thread objects because we'd need to recreate them which is rather expensive and violates the design principle that Compiler Threads are not allowed to call Java. Removing them wouldn't save much memory. Keeping them in global handles seems to be beneficial and makes this change easier.
> Okay.
>>> And I thought we would need to add only one threads each time when we hit some queue size threshold. At the start queues filled up very fast so you may end up creating all compiler threads.
>> My current formula only creates as much compiler threads so that there exist 2 compile jobs per thread. I think this is better for startup, but we can reevaluate this.
> Would be nice to see graph how number of compiler threads change with time depending on load for some applications (for example, jbb2005 and specjvm2008 if you have them)?
>> Thanks for the improvement proposals. I'll implement them next week. Nevertheless, the current version can already be tested.
> I started our testing.
> I just remember that we may need to treat -Xcomp and CTW cases specially.
> I also ran jtreg testing locally on x64 linux for compiler/jvmci tests. And also tier1 compiler tests with Graal as JIT (-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableJVMCI -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler -Djvmci.Compiler=graal).
> They passed. I think JVMCI code is fine.
> But I see crash in CompileLog::finish_log_on_error() function in compiler/compilercontrol jtreg tests (they are not in tier1) with normal jtreg runs:
> FAILED: compiler/compilercontrol/commandfile/LogTest.java
> FAILED: compiler/compilercontrol/commands/LogTest.java
> FAILED: compiler/compilercontrol/directives/LogTest.java
> FAILED: compiler/compilercontrol/jcmd/AddLogTest.java
> FAILED: compiler/compilercontrol/jcmd/StressAddMultiThreadedTest.java
> FAILED: compiler/compilercontrol/logcompilation/LogTest.java
> I started performance testing too.
> Thanks,
> Vladimir
>> Best regards,
>> Martin
>> [1] http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/delete
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Vladimir Kozlov [mailto:vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com]
>> Sent: Freitag, 23. März 2018 18:17
>> To: Doerr, Martin <martin.doerr at sap.com>
>> Cc: Igor Veresov (igor.veresov at oracle.com) <igor.veresov at oracle.com>; White, Derek <Derek.White at cavium.com>; 'hotspot-compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net' <hotspot-compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net>
>> Subject: Re: RFR(M): 8198756: Lazy allocation of compiler threads
>> Very cool!
>> Few thoughts.
>> You can't delete thread when it is NULL (missing check or refactor code):
>>     if (thread == NULL || thread->osthread() == NULL) {
>> +    if (UseDynamicNumberOfCompilerThreads && comp->num_compiler_threads() > 0) {
>> +      delete thread;
>> Why not keep handle instead of returning naked oop from create_thread_oop()? You create Handle again
>> Start fields names with _ to distinguish them from local variable:
>> +  static int c1_count, c2_count;
>> In possibly_add_compiler_threads() you can use c2_count instead of calling compile_count() again and array size is fixed
>> already:
>> +    int new_c2_count = MIN3(_c2_compile_queue->size() / 2,
>> +        CompilationPolicy::policy()->compiler_count(CompLevel_full_optimization),
>> And I thought we would need to add only one threads each time when we hit some queue size threshold. At the start queues
>> filled up very fast so you may end up creating all compiler threads. Or we may need more complex formula.
>> We may need to free corresponding java thread object when we remove compiler threads.
>> Thanks,
>> Vladimir
>>> On 3/23/18 8:04 AM, Doerr, Martin wrote:
>>> Hi Vladimir,
>>> thanks for updating the RFE. I already had similar ideas so I've implemented a prototype.
>>> I'll be glad if you can support this effort.
>>> My implementation starts only one thread per type (C1/C2) initially. Compiler threads start additional threads depending
>>> on the compile queue size, the available memory and the predetermined maximum. The Java Thread objects get created
>>> during startup so the Compiler Threads don't need to call Java.
>>> The heuristics (in possibly_add_compiler_threads()) are just an initial proposal and we may want to add tuning
>>> parameters or different numbers.
>>> Threads get stopped in reverse order as they were created when their compile queue is empty for some time.
>>> The feature can be switched by -XX:+/-UseDynamicNumberOfCompilerThreads. Thread creating and removal can be traced by
>>> -XX:+TraceCompilerThreads.
>>> Webrev is here:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mdoerr/8198756_CompilerCount/webrev.01/
>>> The following issues need to get addressed, yet:
>>> -Test JVMCI support. (I'm not familiar with it.)
>>> -Possible memory leaks. I've added some delete calls when a thread dies, but they may be incomplete.
>>> -Logging.
>>> -Performance and memory consumption evaluation.
>>> It would be great to get support and advice for these issues.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Martin

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