RFR(L): 8198691: CodeHeap State Analytics

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Mon Mar 26 19:58:38 UTC 2018

All tests passed! I pushed changes.

But we forgot to add tests to check functionality. Please, file new RFE 
and add few jtreg tests. There are exmaples in compiler/codecache/cli/ 
and other places.


On 3/26/18 9:46 AM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
> On 3/26/18 6:57 AM, Schmidt, Lutz wrote:
>> Thank you Vladimir!
>> The missing ttyLocker sneaked out of the code unintentionally and 
>> unnoticed. Sorry for that. I have put it back in.
> Okay.
>>  From our experience, it is very helpful to have NMethodSweeper 
>> information available whenever you look at CodeHeap state analytics. I 
>> changed the code in java.cpp such that NMethodSweeper::print(out) 
>> isn't called twice.
> Good.
>> I have created a new webrev at 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lucy/webrevs/8198691.03/index.html
> This looks good. I will start testing this version.
> Thanks,
> Vladimir
>> Thank you!
>> Lutz
>> On 23.03.18, 23:40, "Vladimir Kozlov" <vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com> 
>> wrote:
>>      This looks good.
>>      NMethodSweeper::print(out) may be called twice in java.cpp 
>> because print_heapinfo() also calls it
>>      through print_info().
>>      You removed ttyLocker from NMethodSweeper::print() and you don't 
>> have lock in
>>      CompileBroker::print_info() which is significant output block.
>>      Other places are fine AFAIS. Thank you for fixing coding style.
>>      Thanks,
>>      Vladimir
>>      On 3/23/18 9:30 AM, Schmidt, Lutz wrote:
>>      > Hi Vladimir, Tobias,
>>      >
>>      > I have worked on your comments quite some time. There were 
>> changes to
>>      >   - share/code/codeCache.cpp
>>      >   - share/code/codeHeapState.cpp
>>      >   - share/compiler/compileBroker.cpp
>>      >   - share/memory/heap.hpp
>>      >   - share/runtime/java.cpp
>>      >
>>      > Here is a summary of what I changed/reworked/adapted:
>>      >   - The lock order problem is solved.
>>      >   - The CodeHeapStateAnalytics_lock
>>      >      o is acquired before the "aggregate" step is begun.
>>      >      o is held continuously during the aggregate and print 
>> function.
>>      >      o is released at function return (after all work is done.
>>      >      o just protects from modification of the static variables 
>> by other threads.
>>      >   - The CodeCache_lock
>>      >       o is acquired after the CodeHeapStateAnalytics_lock and 
>> only if an "aggregate" step is to be performed.
>>      >       o hold time was never observed to be more than one 
>> second. Not a guarantee, though.
>>      >   - The tty_lock is never acquired during the "aggregate" step, 
>> so there is no interference with the CodeCache_lock.
>>      >   - In the print* functions, blocks that need to stay together 
>> are first composed into a bufferedStream (size 4k). They are then 
>> printed to the given outputStream under tty_lock.
>>      >   - The remaining out->print_cr() are left by intention. They 
>> print diagnostic info if some internal inconsistency is found.
>>      >   - The OpenJDK code style wrt. if-then-else should now be 
>> respected everywhere.
>>      >   - The commented lines you mentioned (codeHeapState.cpp/.hpp) 
>> are gone.
>>      >   - The "coding alternatives" for printing to the log stream 
>> are gone.
>>      >
>>      > SAP-internal testing against SAP JVM did not reveal any problems.
>>      > Testing OpenJDK (jdk/hs repo, linuxx86_64) was all green. Other 
>> platforms did not run due to system issues.
>>      >
>>      > There is a new webrev at 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lucy/webrevs/8198691.02/
>>      >
>>      > Thanks for spending some time, again, on this RFR.
>>      >
>>      > Best regards,
>>      > Lutz
>>      >
>>      > On 20.03.18, 23:01, "Vladimir Kozlov" 
>> <vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com> wrote:
>>      >
>>      >      As I remember we are trying to lock tty outside print 
>> functions.
>>      >
>>      >      Yes, it could be troublesome if it is Mbs of output. 
>> Especially when you do it for "full codecache"
>>      >      event when VM is still running. You also have 
>> CodeCache_lock in print_heapinfo() and it would not be
>>      >      good to hold both locks at the same time. I think to have 
>> "micro locking" (with comments) in
>>      >      print_heapinfo() is better then to have lock in each print 
>> function.
>>      >
>>      >      Vladimir
>>      >
>>      >      On 3/20/18 11:57 AM, Schmidt, Lutz wrote:
>>      >      > Hi Vladimir,
>>      >      > I already saw that code but was a little hesitant to 
>> code the same way. Why? In my case, the stringStream buffer could 
>> become fairly large. Actual size depends on CodeHeap size and contents 
>> as well as printing parameters. If you tell me some MB are OK, I can 
>> change my code.
>>      >      > Thanks,
>>      >      > Lutz
>>      >      >
>>      >      > On 20.03.18, 19:42, "Vladimir Kozlov" 
>> <vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com> wrote:
>>      >      >
>>      >      >      I think you should follow what we do with 
>> CodeCache::print_summary():
>>      >      >
>>      >      >      
>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/hs/file/74db2b7cec75/src/hotspot/share/code/codeCache.cpp#l1359 
>>      >      >
>>      >      >      First, print into local buffer stringStream and 
>> then lock tty when print that buffer.
>>      >      >
>>      >      >      Thanks,
>>      >      >      Vladimir
>>      >      >
>>      >      >      On 3/20/18 11:29 AM, Schmidt, Lutz wrote:
>>      >      >      > Hi Tobias,
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      > thank you for uncovering this. In 
>> CodeCache::report_codemem_full() I oversaw that the tty lock is held 
>> at the place I inserted the call to CompileBroker::print_heapinfo().
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      > That bug triggered some thoughts in my brain, 
>> resulting in a question or two:
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      > Given the complex output of 
>> CompileBroker::print_heapinfo(), what would be the OpenJDK approach to 
>> tty locking?
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      > Should I do "micro locking", trying to keep 
>> together only small blocks? That's what is implemented now.
>>      >      >      > Should I lock tty before each call to a print 
>> function (like print_usedSpace, print_freeSpace, ...)?
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      > Either approach has its advantages, so I'm more 
>> or less neutral. What do you all think?
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      > Depending on what's in favor by the community, I 
>> will move the locks accordingly.
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      > Thanks,
>>      >      >      > Lutz
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      > On 20.03.18, 15:45, "Tobias Hartmann" 
>> <tobias.hartmann at oracle.com> wrote:
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      Hi Lutz,
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      I've already started testing with 
>> -Xlog:codecache=Debug and found a problem:
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      The following tests
>>      >      >      >      compiler/whitebox/AllocationCodeBlobTest.java
>>      >      >      >      compiler/codecache/OverflowCodeCacheTest.java
>>      >      >      >      
>> compiler/codecache/stress/ReturnBlobToWrongHeapTest.java
>>      >      >      >      
>> compiler/codecache/stress/RandomAllocationTest.java
>>      >      >      >      
>> compiler/profiling/spectrapredefineclass_classloaders/Launcher.java
>>      >      >      >      
>> compiler/profiling/spectrapredefineclass/Launcher.java
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      fail with
>>      >      >      >      #  fatal error: acquiring lock 
>> CodeHeapStateAnalytics_lock/6 out of order with lock tty_lock/0 --
>>      >      >      >      possible deadlock
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      Let me know if you need more information to 
>> reproduce!
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      Thanks,
>>      >      >      >      Tobias
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      On 20.03.2018 11:25, Schmidt, Lutz wrote:
>>      >      >      >      > Hi Tobias,
>>      >      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      > thank you! If you haven't started yet, you 
>> may want to wait with testing a moment. I will remove the comments 
>> Vladimir and you complained about and update the webrev. It's comments 
>> only, but you never know...
>>      >      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      > Thanks,
>>      >      >      >      > Lutz
>>      >      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      > On 20.03.18, 10:46, "Tobias Hartmann" 
>> <tobias.hartmann at oracle.com> wrote:
>>      >      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      >     Hi Lutz,
>>      >      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      >     very nice work! Thanks for 
>> incorporating the requested changes. I think you can remove the commented
>>      >      >      >      >     LogStream code.
>>      >      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      >     I'll re-run the tests that failed with 
>> the last webrev.
>>      >      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      >     Best regards,
>>      >      >      >      >     Tobias
>>      >      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      >     On 19.03.2018 17:00, Schmidt, Lutz wrote:
>>      >      >      >      >     > Dear all,
>>      >      >      >      >     >
>>      >      >      >      >     > this is the next (second) iteration 
>> of my CodeHeap State Analytics effort. It reflects all the comments 
>> and suggestions I received on my initial RFR (sent out on March 1st). 
>> Please read on to learn what was changed and what kept as is.
>>      >      >      >      >     >
>>      >      >      >      >     > May I please request reviews for
>>      >      >      >      >     >
>>      >      >      >      >     > Bug:    
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8198691
>>      >      >      >      >     > Webrev: 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lucy/webrevs/8198691.01/
>>      >      >      >      >     >
>>      >      >      >      >     > Instead of keeping the long tail of 
>> comments and responses, I decided to provide a summary of what happened.
>>      >      >      >      >     >  - Most of the new code was moved to 
>> new files: share/code/codeHeapState.cpp and share/code/codeHeapState.hpp
>>      >      >      >      >     >  - I have added, as requested, an 
>> abbreviated version of the "General Description" chapter to 
>> codeHeapState.cpp
>>      >      >      >      >     >  - In case of SegmentedCodeCache, 
>> the iteration is limited to FOR_ALL_ALLOCABLE_HEAPS(). There were 
>> issues in aot tests when using FOR_ALL_HEAPS().
>>      >      >      >      >     >  - All references to the RFE id 
>> should be gone.
>>      >      >      >      >     >  - In share/runtime/java.cpp, the 
>> call to CompileBroker::print_heapinfo() now is close to 
>> "PrintCodeCache" for both, product and nonproduct cases.
>>      >      >      >      >     >  - The edited/updated documentation 
>> is available as an attachment to the bug (in PDF format).
>>      >      >      >      >     >  - I added code to 
>> share/code/codeCache.cpp (report_codemem_full()) to print the CodeHeap 
>> state for the first occurrence of the "full" condition.
>>      >      >      >      >     >  - The code style "hickups", noted 
>> by Tobias Hartmann, are gone.
>>      >      >      >      >     >  - The compile time warnings and 
>> errors are resolved.
>>      >      >      >      >     >
>>      >      >      >      >     > -XX:+PrintCodeHeapState vs. 
>> -Xlog:codecache=Trace
>>      >      >      >      >     > I clearly understand and support the 
>> intention to get rid of the Print* command line arguments. Therefore, 
>> the PrintCodeHeapState command line argument is gone. You can request 
>> the CodeHeap state analytics with the -Xlog:codecache=Trace (vm 
>> shutdown) or -Xlog:codecache=Debug (CodeCache full and vm shutdown) 
>> switches. The output is directed to tty, not to the log stream.
>>      >      >      >      >     >
>>      >      >      >      >     > The reason for not using the log 
>> stream is simple: UL prefixes every line with a timestamp and the 
>> trace tags. Unfortunately, that messes up my formatting big time. The 
>> jcmd output, on the other hand, will not have the UL prefixes. I would 
>> have to distinguish between UL and jcmd output when formatting. In 
>> addition, I do not see a benefit from adding the same UL prefix to 
>> thousands of lines.
>>      >      >      >      >     >
>>      >      >      >      >     > Comments are very welcome!
>>      >      >      >      >     >
>>      >      >      >      >     > Best Regards,
>>      >      >      >      >     > Lutz
>>      >      >      >      >     >
>>      >      >      >      >     >
>>      >      >      >      >     >
>>      >      >      >      >     >
>>      >      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >      >
>>      >      >
>>      >      >
>>      >
>>      >

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