RFR 8213203: [JVMCI] adopt formatting changes from jvmci 8

Tom Rodriguez tom.rodriguez at oracle.com
Thu Nov 1 23:56:13 UTC 2018

Tom Rodriguez wrote on 11/1/18 4:10 PM:
> Vladimir Kozlov wrote on 11/1/18 1:51 PM:
>> Looks good except new package-info.java files. I don't think we need 
>> them in JDK. One time ago we removed them all.
>> I see we still have 2 files in JVMCI and 10  in Graal sources. We 
>> should remove them.
> I'll go ahead and remove them.  We use them in graal-jvmci-8 to drive 
> our sigtest logic which validates the public API we expose and I figured 
> it wouldn't hurt to bring them across.

Actually there appear to be quite a few of them within the regular JDK 
so I'd prefer to just leave them in.  I found a problem with a couple 
missing INCLUDE_AOT ifdef which I've fixed and rerun the build.


> tom
>> Thanks,
>> Vladimir
>> On 11/1/18 1:21 PM, Tom Rodriguez wrote:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~never/8213203/webrev
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8213203
>>> This brings over primarily formatting changes from graal-jvmci-8 to 
>>> partially synchronize the sources.  Mostly these are documentation 
>>> improvements and style cleanups.  There are also some changes to 
>>> reduce the visibility of non-public classes in the public API. 
>>> Testing is underway.
>>> tom

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