RFR: 8207851 JEP Draft: Support ByteBuffer mapped over non-volatile memory

Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Thu Nov 8 16:01:00 UTC 2018

Hi Derek,

On 08/11/18 15:49, White, Derek wrote:

> Given that there is platform-specific code, it would be good to be
> clear which platforms you are intending to implement as part of this
> JEP, and which platforms will need others to step in to support.
> I'm quite happy with your plan, but I'd like to see more JEPs being
> clear about platform support (CPU and OS).

The prototype implements this on Linux/x86_64 and Linux/AArch64. On
other platforms it will refuse to create a persistent MappedByteBuffer
by throwing an exception.

I believe it should be straightforward to migrate it to Windows/x86_64
but I don't know for sure. That depends on support for the mmap MAP_SYNC
mode being available.

I am not currently in a position to implement or test Windows/x86_64. I
really don't know what would work on other hardware or OSes. I'd be
happy to take advice but I'd like to get this included targeting the 2
OS/CPU configurations mentioned above and see those other platforms
supported as an upgrade.

I'll add a note to the JEP to record this.


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
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