RFR(M): 8213528: fp registers should not need to be saved around a CallLeafNoFP

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Fri Nov 9 16:30:12 UTC 2018

I think NO_FP code was added mostly for x86 FPU and SPARC float registers.
Now on x86 we use XMM registers almost in all intrinsics so the original assumption is not true anymore on *x86*.
It is still true on other platforms (SPARC?). May be we should factor out it somehow to be platform specific?


On 11/9/18 12:46 AM, Roland Westrelin wrote:
>> The we don't need CallLeafNoFPNode, IdealKit::make_leaf_call_no_fp() and NO_FP value. Nobody use it
>> after your change. Or I am missing something?
> Indeed there's no more use of IdealKit::make_leaf_call_no_fp() and NO_FP
> after my change. I left both there because I suppose some existing calls
> to CallLeaf could be turned into the "new" CallLeafNoFP and so this code
> might be needed in the future but I can remove it if you like.
> Roland.

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