Re: HotSpot is using single threaded (“MT-unsafe”) strtok function in compilerDirectives.cpp

Nils Eliasson nils.eliasson at
Thu Nov 29 08:41:28 UTC 2018


Thanks for reporting!

I'll fix this and make sure it is fixed in 12.



On 2018-11-28 23:15, Gillet, André wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m posting this to the group since I can’t open a bug report against 
> OpenJDK – I only have browsing privileges.
> compilerDirectives.cpp is using the MT-Unsafe strtok function.  This 
> is causing some JVM crashes with our application under linux-x86_64 
> since some of our native code run via JNI is also using strtok.  
> Fixing either our code or HotSpot to use strtok_r resolves the issue.  
> We started seeing this problem after upgrading to OpenJDK 11 from 
> Oracle JDK 8, which didn’t trigger any crashes.
> Problematic lines:
> Fixing this would make the compiler immune from other JNI code (or 
> other JVM code) that could be using strtok.
> The following details a survey of HotSpot that was done a long time 
> ago to identify all occurrences of MT-unsafe functions:
> I understand the latter goes beyond the scope of the compiler group.
> Thanks,
> Andre

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