RFR(S): 8213086: Compiler thread creation should be bounded by available space in memory and Code Cache
Vladimir Kozlov
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Mon Oct 29 16:48:02 UTC 2018
So the issue was / 200*M vs correct / (200*M). Thank you for finding and fixing this.
About taking into account sizes of segmented CodeCache. If segmentation is off (-XX:-SegmentedCodeCache)
unallocated_capacity() will return 0:
You need to take that into account.
On 10/29/18 9:26 AM, Doerr, Martin wrote:
> Hi Tobias,
> thank you for filing https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8213086
> I have changed the description because the available memory doesn’t get respected due to missing braces. So I’d like to
> fix this in addition.
> My test machines have too much memory to hit this case. Maybe I should try to use a docker container for testing.
> My initial proposal allows up to one compiler thread per 128kB of free code cache. I remember that Oracle wants to have
> many threads (for some SPARC scenarios) so I have chosen a small size.
> I’m currently ignoring that C1 also creates some small non-profiled nmethods.
> Please review:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mdoerr/8213086_compiler_limit/webrev.00/
> Best regards,
> Martin
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