RFR (XS) 8208100: compiler/graalunit/JttLangMathALTest.java times out intermittently on Linux-X64

Doug Simon doug.simon at oracle.com
Wed Sep 5 20:29:06 UTC 2018

Hi Katya,

> On 5 Sep 2018, at 22:17, Ekaterina Pavlova <ekaterina.pavlova at oracle.com> wrote:
> On 8/29/18 11:41 AM, Doug Simon wrote:
>>> On 29 Aug 2018, at 19:23, dean.long at oracle.com wrote:
>>> On 8/29/18 2:11 AM, Doug Simon wrote:
>>>> When running these tests on Graal tip against JDK 11, I get:
>>>> mx --java-home=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home unittest org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math
>>>> ...
>>>> 10 longest running test classes:
>>>>      21.115 ms    org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_log10
>>>>      11.921 ms    org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_log
>>>>      10.460 ms    org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_sqrt
>>>>       3.525 ms    org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_pow
>>>>       1.937 ms    org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_sin
>>>>       1.689 ms    org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_tan
>>>>       1.550 ms    org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_exp
>>>>       1.537 ms    org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_cos
>>>>       1.526 ms    org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_abs
>>>>         338 ms    org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_round
>>>> 10 longest running tests:
>>>>      10.583 ms    run7(org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_log)
>>>>      10.335 ms    run7(org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_sqrt)
>>>>       3.468 ms    run11(org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_pow)
>>>>       1.666 ms    run5(org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_sin)
>>>>       1.533 ms    run5(org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_tan)
>>>>       1.519 ms    run8(org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_exp)
>>>>       1.456 ms    run3(org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_cos)
>>>>       1.371 ms    run7(org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_abs)
>>>>       1.024 ms    run0(org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_log)
>>>>          84 ms    run0(org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_sin)
>>>> All seems as expected.
>>>> I wanted to try it against JDK tip but https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8209301 means GitHub Graal cannot be compiled against the latest JDK:
>>>> /Users/dsimon/graal/graal/compiler/src/jdk.tools.jaotc/src/jdk/tools/jaotc/AOTCompiledClass.java:77: error: cannot find symbol
>>>>             this.metadataName = type.isAnonymous() ? "anon<" + classId + ">" : type.getName();
>>>>                                     ^
>>>>   symbol:   method isAnonymous()
>>>>   location: variable type of type HotSpotResolvedObjectType
>>>> 1 error
>>>> To fix this, AOTCompiledClass.java will either have to use reflection to access HotSpotResolvedObjectType.isAnonymous[Unsafe]Anonymous or a jdk12 versioned project will have to be added.
>>> It looks like they forgot to rename getHostClass(), so we could replace uses of isAnonymous() with getHostClass() != null.  I think I added isAnonymous() first and then getHostClass() was added later.
>> I assume `getHostClass() != null` is more expensive than `isAnonymous()` but it probably doesn't matter here. Either way, this will have to be resolved before the next Graal sync.
> Doug, could you please point to the bug id this issue is going to be tracked by.

I don't have a bug id for this issue - feel free to open one and assign it to me.

I left a note pointing out the Graal compilation issue along with Dean's recommended fix:



>> -Doug
>>>> -Doug
>>>>> On 29 Aug 2018, at 10:08, Ekaterina Pavlova <ekaterina.pavlova at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>> I meant org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_log and org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_sqrt
>>>>> On 8/29/18 1:05 AM, Ekaterina Pavlova wrote:
>>>>>> org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_log and org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_log always were more than 10 times slower than other org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math tests. But I agree, lets wait what Graal team will say regarding this slowness.
>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>> -katya
>>>>>> On 8/28/18 3:30 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>>>>>> Before increase timeout Labs should look on this test and investigate it strange behavior - last iteration takes long time:
>>>>>>>    run5: Passed 228.9 ms
>>>>>>>    run6: Passed 145.7 ms
>>>>>>>    run7: Passed 833395.5 ms
>>>>>>> org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.lang.Math_log finished 836029.5 ms
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Vladimir
>>>>>>> On 8/27/18 9:03 AM, Ekaterina Pavlova wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>> compiler/graalunit/JttLangMathALTest.java continues to timeout on slow machines.
>>>>>>>> Increased default timeout (120 seconds) in twice. Please review.
>>>>>>>>      JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8208100
>>>>>>>>   webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~epavlova/8208100/webrev.00/index.html
>>>>>>>> testing: Tested by running the test 10 times on all platforms.
>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>> -katya

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