[8u] RFR: 8221355: Performance regression after JDK-8155635 backport into 8u
Andrew John Hughes
gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Fri Apr 12 17:01:36 UTC 2019
On 10/04/2019 20:29, Gil Tene wrote:
> Before we jump ahead and integrate this into the upcoming April 8u212, and bump the
> build number from b03 to b04, I'd like to point out that the Oracle backport
> (https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8221954) appears to be to their 8u212 b31,
> which is likely a BPR, and not the initial version of 8u212 that will be out in a week.
> So the premise that not including this in the initial version of OpenJDK 8u212 will lead to a
> performance regression compared Oracle's 8u212 is not quite right. The difference will
> happen when oracle publishes their 8u212-b31.
> Given the time crunch, the risk, and the fact that Oracle's April 16 update will likely NOT
> include this fix to the regression initially introduced in 8u202, I would advocate to still build
> a 8u212-b03, which would not include this back-port, and to either do a b04 later, or push
> this to July.
> — Gil.
We'll be pushing up to jdk8u212-b04 on Tuesday.
OpenJDK builds are being created for each build, but b04 may have to be
released shortly after the unembargo.
Others producing builds ahead of time are free to make their own call on
this. If you don't have time to build & test b04, there is no issue with
building b03 as that contains all the security updates.
I don't see how that's any different to Oracle's situation, where they
have clearly tagged a build of 8u212 with this fix in it, but, judging
by the build number, it may not be available on Tuesday.
We can always, of course, make the decision to point jdk8u212-ga at
jdk8u212-b03. Again, there's precedent for that in the OpenJDK codebase
from Oracle's tenure.
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
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