8222670 patch review: prevent downgraded tasks from recompiling
Liu, Xin
xxinliu at amazon.com
Thu Apr 18 19:46:01 UTC 2019
Hi, hotspot-compiler group,
Could you review this webrev for JDK-8222670?
Inside of our company, we saw some services suffer from recompilation and codecache bloat.
Eg. the attachment was exacted from a real application logs. It happened randomly and eventually it would fill up the whole codecache.
I wrote a testcase to simulate this problem: Level2RecompilationTest.java
I don’t know how to enqueue a OSR method. I know hard-wired bci=15 sounds stupid. Arbitrary bci doesn’t work. It may crash in anaalyis. Any suggest?
This patch is to detect pre-compiled nmethod when downgrade from level3 to level2. It will drop the task if it has been compiled.
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