RFR(S): 8235762: JVM crash in SWPointer during C2 compilation

Yangfei (Felix) felix.yang at huawei.com
Wed Dec 11 12:39:46 UTC 2019


  Please review this patch fixing a crash in C2 superword transform phase.
  Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8235762

  This is similar to JDK-8229694, but a little bit more complex.
  The JVM crashes in the testcase when trying to dereference mem at [9] which is NULL.
This happens when converting packs into vector nodes in SuperWord::output() by reading an unexpected NULL value with SuperWord::align_to_ref() [8].
The corresponding field _align_to_ref is set to NULL at [7] since best_align_to_mem_ref was assigned NULL just before at [6].
_packset contained two packs and there were no memory operations left to be processed (memops is empty). As a result SuperWord::find_align_to_ref()
will return NULL since it cannot find an alignment from two different types of mem operations.

The loop in Test::vMeth is unrolled two times.  As a result, main loop contains the following 12 memory operations:

954    LoadI   ===  633  985  955  [[ 953 ]]  @int[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #int !orig=320 !jvms: Test::vMeth @ bci:13
950    StoreI  ===  981  985  951  953  [[ 946  948 ]]  @int[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6;  Memory: @int[int:>=0]:NotNull:exact+any *, idx=6; !orig=342 !jvms: Test::vMeth @ bci:16
948    LoadI   ===  647  950  949  [[ 947 ]]  @int[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #int !orig=369 !jvms: Test::vMeth @ bci:23
946    StoreI  ===  981  950  949  947  [[ 320  342 ]]  @int[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6;  Memory: @int[int:>=0]:NotNull:exact+any *, idx=6; !orig=391,989 !jvms: Test::vMeth @ bci:26
320    LoadI   ===  633  946  318  [[ 321 ]]  @int[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #int !jvms: Test::vMeth @ bci:13
342    StoreI  ===  981  946  340  321  [[ 391  369 ]]  @int[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6;  Memory: @int[int:>=0]:NotNull:exact+any *, idx=6; !jvms: Test::vMeth @ bci:16
369    LoadI   ===  647  342  367  [[ 370 ]]  @int[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #int !jvms: Test::vMeth @ bci:23
391    StoreI  ===  981  342  367  370  [[ 772  985 ]]  @int[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6;  Memory: @int[int:>=0]:NotNull:exact+any *, idx=6; !orig=989 !jvms: Test::vMeth @ bci:26

958    StoreB  ===  981  986  959  10  [[ 470 ]]  @byte[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=10;  Memory: @byte[int:>=0]:NotNull:exact+any *, idx=10; !orig=470,[990] !jvms: Test::vMeth @ bci:44
470    StoreB  ===  981  958  468  10  [[ 774  986 ]]  @byte[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=10;  Memory: @byte[int:>=0]:NotNull:exact+any *, idx=10; !orig=[990] !jvms: Test::vMeth @ bci:44

961    StoreL  ===  981  984  962  12  [[ 431 ]]  @long[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=8;  Memory: @long[int:>=0]:NotNull:exact+any *, idx=8; !orig=431,[991] !jvms: Test::vMeth @ bci:35
431    StoreL  ===  981  961  429  12  [[ 776  984 ]]  @long[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=8;  Memory: @long[int:>=0]:NotNull:exact+any *, idx=8; !orig=[991] !jvms: Test::vMeth @ bci:35

Consider the while loop at [1]:
  memops.size() = 12  mem_ref = 342  alignment: 342=0, 946=0, 391=4, 950=4  create_pack=true  _packset: <342, 950>  best_align_to_mem_ref = 342
  memops.size() = 8  mem_ref = 431  alignment: 431=0, 961=8  create_pack=true  _packset: <342, 950>, <431, 961>  best_align_to_mem_ref = 342
  memops.size() = 6  mem_ref = 470  alignment: 470=0,958=1  create_pack=true  _packset: <342, 950>, <431, 961>, <470, 958>  best_align_to_mem_ref = 342
  memops.size() = 4  mem_ref = 320  alignment: 320=0, 954=4  create_pack=true  _packset: <342, 950>, <431, 961>, <470, 958>, <320, 954>  best_align_to_mem_ref = 342
  memops.size() = 2  mem_ref = 369  alignment: 369=0, 948=4  create_pack=false  _packset: <431, 961>, <470, 958>  best_align_to_mem_ref = NULL  (<342, 950> and <320, 954> are removed from _packset at [4])

For iter5, create_pack is set to false at [2].  As a result, the two memory operations in memops are poped at [3].  And 431 and 470 are pushed to memops at [5].

Then memops for call find_align_to_ref at [6] only contains 431 and 470 which are different in type.  As a result, find_align_to_ref returns NULL.


Proposed fix chooses one alignment from the remaining packs ignoring whether the memory operations are comparable or not.
This is currently under testing: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/secure/attachment/86058/fix-superword.patch

diff -r 6cf6761c444e src/hotspot/share/opto/superword.cpp
--- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/superword.cpp Wed Dec 11 12:12:39 2019 +0100
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/superword.cpp       Wed Dec 11 20:17:10 2019 +0800
@@ -576,12 +576,13 @@
   Node_List align_to_refs;
+  int max_idx;
   int best_iv_adjustment = 0;
   MemNode* best_align_to_mem_ref = NULL;
   while (memops.size() != 0) {
     // Find a memory reference to align to.
-    MemNode* mem_ref = find_align_to_ref(memops);
+    MemNode* mem_ref = find_align_to_ref(memops, max_idx);
     if (mem_ref == NULL) break;
     int iv_adjustment = get_iv_adjustment(mem_ref);
@@ -699,34 +700,36 @@
         // Put memory ops from remaining packs back on memops list for
         // the best alignment search.
         uint orig_msize = memops.size();
-        if (_packset.length() == 1 && orig_msize == 0) {
-          // If there are no remaining memory ops and only 1 pack we have only one choice
-          // for the alignment
-          Node_List* p = _packset.at(0);
-          assert(p->size() > 0, "sanity");
+        for (int i = 0; i < _packset.length(); i++) {
+          Node_List* p = _packset.at(i);
           MemNode* s = p->at(0)->as_Mem();
           assert(!same_velt_type(s, mem_ref), "sanity");
-          best_align_to_mem_ref = s;
-        } else {
-          for (int i = 0; i < _packset.length(); i++) {
-            Node_List* p = _packset.at(i);
-            MemNode* s = p->at(0)->as_Mem();
-            assert(!same_velt_type(s, mem_ref), "sanity");
-            memops.push(s);
+          memops.push(s);
+        }
+        best_align_to_mem_ref = find_align_to_ref(memops, max_idx);
+        if (best_align_to_mem_ref == NULL) {
+          if (TraceSuperWord) {
+            tty->print_cr("SuperWord::find_adjacent_refs(): best_align_to_mem_ref == NULL");
-          best_align_to_mem_ref = find_align_to_ref(memops);
-          if (best_align_to_mem_ref == NULL) {
-            if (TraceSuperWord) {
-              tty->print_cr("SuperWord::find_adjacent_refs(): best_align_to_mem_ref == NULL");
+          if (_packset.length() > 0) {
+            if (orig_msize == 0) {
+              best_align_to_mem_ref = memops.at(max_idx)->as_Mem();
+            } else {
+              for (int i = 0; i < orig_msize; i++) {
+                memops.remove(0);
+              }
+              best_align_to_mem_ref = find_align_to_ref(memops, max_idx);
+              assert(best_align_to_mem_ref == NULL, "sanity");
+              best_align_to_mem_ref = memops.at(max_idx)->as_Mem();
-            break;
-          best_iv_adjustment = get_iv_adjustment(best_align_to_mem_ref);
-          NOT_PRODUCT(find_adjacent_refs_trace_1(best_align_to_mem_ref, best_iv_adjustment);)
-          // Restore list.
-          while (memops.size() > orig_msize)
-            (void)memops.pop();
+          break;
+        best_iv_adjustment = get_iv_adjustment(best_align_to_mem_ref);
+        NOT_PRODUCT(find_adjacent_refs_trace_1(best_align_to_mem_ref, best_iv_adjustment);)
+        // Restore list.
+        while (memops.size() > orig_msize)
+          (void)memops.pop();
     } // unaligned memory accesses
@@ -761,7 +764,7 @@
// Find a memory reference to align the loop induction variable to.
// Looks first at stores then at loads, looking for a memory reference
// with the largest number of references similar to it.
-MemNode* SuperWord::find_align_to_ref(Node_List &memops) {
+MemNode* SuperWord::find_align_to_ref(Node_List &memops, int &idx) {
   GrowableArray<int> cmp_ct(arena(), memops.size(), memops.size(), 0);
   // Count number of comparable memory ops
@@ -848,6 +851,7 @@
+  idx = max_idx;
   if (max_ct > 0) {
#ifdef ASSERT
     if (TraceSuperWord) {
diff -r 6cf6761c444e src/hotspot/share/opto/superword.hpp
--- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/superword.hpp         Wed Dec 11 12:12:39 2019 +0100
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/superword.hpp      Wed Dec 11 20:17:10 2019 +0800
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
   void print_loop(bool whole);
   // Find a memory reference to align the loop induction variable to.
-  MemNode* find_align_to_ref(Node_List &memops);
+  MemNode* find_align_to_ref(Node_List &memops, int &idx);
   // Calculate loop's iv adjustment for this memory ops.
   int get_iv_adjustment(MemNode* mem);
   // Can the preloop align the reference to position zero in the vector?


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