RFR: 8216262: Remove develop flag DelayCompilationDuringStartup

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Tue Jan 8 01:27:47 UTC 2019

On 8/01/2019 9:13 am, Claes Redestad wrote:
> On 2019-01-07 22:21, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> I'm under the impression this process does not apply to develop flags
>>>> (which are not visible an anything but debug builds)?
>>> We've removed develop flags without obsoletion + expiry many times in
>>> the past[1], and while this goes against the written down expiration
>>> in arguments.cpp, I believe it to be a misguided recommendation for
>>> develop flags.
>> There have been and still can be exceptions depending on the actual 
>> flag but the general guideline is:
>>  * To remove internal options (e.g. diagnostic, experimental, develop 
>> options), use
>>  * a 2-step model adding major release numbers to the obsolete and 
>> expire columns.
>> Compiler folk can identify whether this flag can be expired immediately.
> To me it seems to be the general rule rather than an exception lately, 

Perhaps ... I didn't do a complete census. I see the process being used:

8198635: Remove unused safepoint message functions and ShowSafepointMsgs

and also not used:

6909265: assert(_OnDeck != Self->_MutexEvent,"invariant") with 

but in this case using the flag led to an assertion failure so it was a 
reasonable assumption that the flag was not actually being used in 
practice and so could be immediately removed.

> and see no point in
> sticking to that recommendation. I've filed 
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8216311
> to drop develop flags from that recommendation.



> /Claes

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