[13] RFR (XS): 8202952: C2: Unexpected dead nodes after matching

Yangfei (Felix) felix.yang at huawei.com
Thu Jan 24 03:21:07 UTC 2019

That sounds reasonable to me.  

BTW: The test I updated on the JBS is also reduced from a fuzzer test.  


> >      Since JDK 12 has the same issue, will this fix be integrated into this repo?
> I don't plan to integrate it into jdk12.
> My reasoning is:
>    (1) it's a long-standing bug (from day 1 on x64?) with very low
> likelihood of exposure
>          * was found only recently using fuzzers
>          * no similar crashes reported before
>    (2) JDK 12 is in RDP2 phase and is open only for P1–P2 bug fixes
> Though the bug technically meets RDP2 criteria, I don't see it as a
> critical issue for the release in a late development phase.
> Best regards,
> Vladimir Ivanov

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