RFR(M): 8223051: support loops with long (64b) trip counts

Vladimir Ivanov vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
Fri Aug 21 09:12:30 UTC 2020

>> Sorry, I don't get it. Normally JVM state associated with a call is a
>> state right after the call returns. Do you mean there are cases when
>> call has reexecute bit set and hence it has JVM state before the call
>> associated with it?
> JVM state at a call can't be state after the call because it would need
> to capture the return value which can't be an incoming edge to the call,
> right?

Yes, you are right. But, strictly speaking, it's not the state before 
the call either since all the arguments are not on the stack anymore (as 
an example [1]).

>> Anyway, it's trivial to convert between 2 states (before and after) and
>> we already do that in some places (e.g., late inline prepares JVM state
>> for the parser based on the state associated with CallStaticJava node).
> Sure it's feasible to build state after the call. I was concerned that
> the runtime would hardwire somewhere that state at the call is always
> state before the call. That would lead to nasty, rare and hard to debug
> failures. It felt a lot simpler and robuster to leave SafePoint nodes in
> the graph. We could have the patch go through a performance run and see
> if that change makes any difference if there's concern about it.

Indeed, keeping a safepoint right after the call does look appealing.

But it also means there should be always a safepoint accompanying the 
call and it should follow it immediately for the logic in question to be 
in effect. Do we guarantee that?

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov


56 invokevirtual 179 

   152 bci: 56   VirtualCallData     count(0) nonprofiled_count(0) 
                                     'java/util/HashMap'(4607 0.99)
                                     'java/util/LinkedHashMap'(57 0.01)

(lldb) p jvms->dump()
  149	SafePoint	===  146  94  148  8  9  10  1  1  1  1  15  1  1  1  1 
1  1  1  96  102  10  11  12  13  32  1  [[]]  SafePoint replaced nodes: 
127->136 !orig=55,[26],23
JVMS depth=1 loc=5 stk=18 arg=20 mon=26 scalar=26 end=26 mondepth=0 sp=2 
bci=56 reexecute=false method=virtual jobject 
java.util.HashMap.putVal(jint, jobject, jobject, jboolean, jboolean)
     bc:     locals(13): 10 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
      stack(2): 96 102
       args(6): 10 11 12 13 32 1

(lldb) p call->jvms()->dump()
  150	CallDynamicJava	===  146  94  95  8  1 ( 10  11  12  13  32  10  1 
  1  1  1  15  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  96  102 ) [[ 151  152  153  155  156 
  163  164 ]] # Dynamic  java.util.HashMap::newNode 
java/util/HashMap$Node * ( java/util/HashMap:NotNull *, int, 
java/lang/Object *, java/lang/Object *, java/util/HashMap$Node * ) 
HashMap::putVal @ bci:56 !jvms: HashMap::putVal @ bci:56
JVMS depth=1 loc=10 stk=23 arg=25 mon=25 scalar=25 end=25 mondepth=0 
sp=2 bci=56 reexecute=false method=virtual jobject 
java.util.HashMap.putVal(jint, jobject, jobject, jboolean, jboolean)
     bc:     locals(13): 10 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
      stack(2): 96 102

(lldb) p new_jvms->dump()
  149	SafePoint	===  158  163  165  8  9  10  1  1  1  1  15  1  1  1  1 
  1  1  1  96  102  155  11  12  13  32  1  | 161  [[]]  SafePoint 
replaced nodes: 127->136 !orig=55,[26],23
JVMS depth=1 loc=5 stk=18 arg=21 mon=26 scalar=26 end=26 mondepth=0 sp=3 
bci=56 reexecute=false method=virtual jobject 
java.util.HashMap.putVal(jint, jobject, jobject, jboolean, jboolean)
     bc:     locals(13): 10 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
      stack(3): 96 102 155
       args(5): 11 12 13 32 1

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