RFR(S): 8238723: yank_alloc_node must remove membar

Nils Eliasson nils.eliasson at oracle.com
Fri Feb 21 17:22:23 UTC 2020

I added all your suggestions:


The tests now run with -DoEscapeAnalysis too. One removal was logged 
from the testStoreCapture testcase.

    1083   87    b  4       compiler.allocation.TestAllocation::testStoreCapture (11 bytes)
NotUsed  37	AllocateArray	===  5  6  7  8  1 ( 33  23  28  22  1  1 ) [[ 38  39  40  47  48 ]]  rawptr:NotNull ( int:>=0, java/lang/Object:NotNull *, bool, int ) TestAllocation::testStoreCapture @ bci:1 !jvms: TestAllocation::testStoreCapture @ bci:1
++++ Eliminated: 37 AllocateArray

Best regards,
Nils Eliasson

On 2020-02-21 16:41, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~neliasso/8238723/webrev.03
> Looks good.
> Also, please, incorporate the following patch [1] which extends 
> -XX:+PrintEliminateAllocations output.
> FTR the following simple test case demonstrates store capturing in 
> action for AllocateArray (w/ -XX:-DoEscapeAnalysis):
>     static void testAllocArray0() {
>         byte[] bs = new byte[1];
>         bs[0] = 1;
>     }
> The reason it doesn't break your patch is that AddPs are eliminated 
> during Initialize node removal: 
> PhaseIterGVN::remove_globally_dead_node() (called through [2]) 
> aggressively prunes dead inputs and kills Stores and AddPs right away.
> PS: it would be good to add -XX:-DoEscapeAnalysis configuration in the 
> test, but currently it doesn't have any cases which demonstrate unused 
> allocation elimination w/o EA turned on [3].
> Best regards,
> Vladimir Ivanov
> [1]
> diff --git a/src/hotspot/share/opto/macro.cpp 
> b/src/hotspot/share/opto/macro.cpp
> --- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/macro.cpp
> +++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/macro.cpp
> @@ -1334,6 +1334,17 @@
>        init->remove(&_igvn);
>      }
>      if (expand_fast_path && (initial_slow_test == NULL)) {
> +#ifndef PRODUCT
> +      if (PrintEliminateAllocations) {
> +        tty->print("NotUsed ");
> +        Node* res = alloc->proj_out_or_null(TypeFunc::Parms);
> +        if (res != NULL) {
> +          res->dump();
> +        } else {
> +          alloc->dump();
> +        }
> +      }
> +#endif
>        // Remove allocation node and return.
>        // Size is a non-negative constant -> no initial check needed 
> -> directly to fast path.
>        // Also, no usages -> empty fast path -> no fall out to slow 
> path -> nothing left.
> @@ -1614,6 +1625,15 @@
>      _ioproj_catchall->set_req(0, top());
>    }
>    _igvn.remove_dead_node(alloc);
> +
> +#ifndef PRODUCT
> +  if (PrintEliminateAllocations) {
> +    if (alloc->is_AllocateArray())
> +      tty->print_cr("++++ Eliminated: %d AllocateArray", alloc->_idx);
> +    else
> +      tty->print_cr("++++ Eliminated: %d Allocate", alloc->_idx);
> +  }
> +#endif
>  }
>  void PhaseMacroExpand::expand_initialize_membar(AllocateNode* alloc, 
> InitializeNode* init,
> [2] MemBarNode::remove =>
>     PhaseIterGVN::replace_node =>
>     PhaseIterGVN::subsume_node =>
>     PhaseIterGVN::remove_dead_node =>
>     PhaseIterGVN::remove_globally_dead_node
> [3]
> $ java -cp JTwork/classes/compiler/allocation/TestAllocation.d/ 
> -Xbatch 
> -XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,compiler.allocation.TestAllocation::* 
> -XX:-TieredCompilation -XX:CompileCommand=quiet -XX:+PrintCompilation 
> -XX:+PrintInlining -XX:-DoEscapeAnalysis -XX:+PrintEscapeAnalysis 
> -XX:+PrintEliminateAllocations compiler/allocation/TestAllocation
> CompileCommand: compileonly compiler/allocation/TestAllocation.*
>    1488    1    b 
> compiler.allocation.TestAllocation::testUnknownPositiveArrayLength (24 
> bytes)
>                             @ 9 
> compiler.allocation.TestAllocation$Payload::<init> (17 bytes)   many 
> throws
>                               @ 1   java.lang.Object::<init> (1 bytes) 
>  inline (hot)
>    1502    2   !b 
> compiler.allocation.TestAllocation::testUnknownNegativeArrayLength (45 
> bytes)
>                             @ 11 
> compiler.allocation.TestAllocation$Payload::<init> (17 bytes)   many 
> throws
>                               @ 1   java.lang.Object::<init> (1 bytes) 
>  inline (hot)
>    1516    3    b 
> compiler.allocation.TestAllocation::testConstantPositiveArrayLength 
> (24 bytes)
>                             @ 9 
> compiler.allocation.TestAllocation$Payload::<init> (17 bytes)   many 
> throws
>                               @ 1   java.lang.Object::<init> (1 bytes) 
>  inline (hot)
>    1527    4   !b 
> compiler.allocation.TestAllocation::testConstantNegativeArrayLength 
> (45 bytes)
>                             @ 11 
> compiler.allocation.TestAllocation$Payload::<init> (17 bytes)   many 
> throws
>                               @ 1   java.lang.Object::<init> (1 bytes) 
>  inline (hot)
>> Best Regards,
>> Nils Eliasson
>> On 2020-02-20 16:59, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
>>>> And to address your concern on AddPs - I still haven't seen an 
>>>> example on when they occur. How would the graph look? What is using 
>>>> the addP? So far I have been content with asserting on addPs, and 
>>>> still hasn't found any occurrence in our testing. But I want to be 
>>>> safe so I will change to skip the allocation removal if there is an 
>>>> addP (but keep asserting in debug builds)
>>> InitializeNode attemps to convert stores into freshly allocated 
>>> object into "initializing stores" to avoid redundant zeroing of the 
>>> contents (see InitializeNode::capture_store() [1]). The comment 
>>> provides an example of IR shape:
>>> //   alloc = (Allocate ...)
>>> //   rawoop = alloc.RawAddress
>>> //   rawstore1 = (StoreC alloc.Control alloc.Memory (+ rawoop 12) 1)
>>> //   rawstore2 = (StoreC alloc.Control alloc.Memory (+ rawoop 14) 2)
>>> //   init = (Initialize alloc.Control alloc.Memory rawoop
>>> //                      rawstore1 rawstore2)
>>> Those stores should go away along with InitializeNode, so it should 
>>> be safe to unlink them right away. So, I don't see a compelling 
>>> reason to skip allocation removal in such case.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Vladimir Ivanov
>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/tip/src/hotspot/share/opto/memnode.cpp#l3803 
>>>> // Nils
>>>> [1] 
>>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/tip/src/hotspot/share/opto/parse1.cpp#l1010 
>>>>> Sometimes MemBarRelease is added [1] which can degenerate into 
>>>>> MemBarCPUOrder [2].
>>>>> I'd prefer to see all the barriers which are linked to the 
>>>>> allocation be removed.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Vladimir Ivanov
>>>>> [1] 
>>>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/tip/src/hotspot/share/opto/parse1.cpp#l1005 
>>>>> [2] 
>>>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/tip/src/hotspot/share/opto/escape.cpp#l1912 
>>>>>> On 2020-02-18 14:01, Tobias Hartmann wrote:
>>>>>>> On 18.02.20 13:32, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
>>>>>>>> In case of MemBar I assume you are handling the precedence edge 
>>>>>>>> (MemBarNode::Precedent). Why do you
>>>>>>>> replace it with TOP? I assume you want to eliminate the 
>>>>>>>> barrier, but I don't see how it helps.
>>>>>>> Actually, you might want to use MemBarNode::remove.
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Tobias

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