[15] RFR(S): 8236721: C2 should better optimize not-equal integer comparisons

Tobias Hartmann tobias.hartmann at oracle.com
Thu Jan 9 13:22:24 UTC 2020


please review the following patch:

While working on JDK-8229855 [1], I've noticed that C2 is not able to fold not-equal integer
comparisons of the following kind:

val = int:lo..hi
if (val != lo) {
  if (val <= lo) {
    // Dead code

In general, C2's type system is quite limited when it comes to representing "sparse" types. But if
an integer value is found to be unequal to it's lower/upper boundary, we can still narrow the type.

With this enhancement, all checks in the 8 methods in TestFoldNECompares.java are folded and the
methods are compiled as empty.


[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8229855

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