Stack allocation prototype for C2

Charlie Gracie Charlie.Gracie at
Thu Jul 9 15:15:15 UTC 2020

Hi Dalibor,

Thanks for pointing us at the Sandbox Repo! It looks like a great place to host and collaborate on large changes.
If the community decides we should move forward with this investigation, I believe the Sandbox repo would be
a good fit.

Charlie Gracie

On 2020-07-02, 5:02 AM, "hotspot-compiler-dev on behalf of Dalibor Topic" <hotspot-compiler-dev-retn at on behalf of dalibor.topic at> wrote:

    On 29.06.2020 23:05, Charlie Gracie wrote:
    > Hi hotspot-compiler-dev community,
    > Here is the prototype code for our work on adding stack allocation to the HotSpot C2 compiler. We are looking for any and all feedback
    > as we hope to move from a prototype to something that could be contributed. A change of this size is difficult to review so we
    > understand the process will be thorough and will take time to complete. Any suggestions on how to allow for collaboration with others,
    > if they wanted to, would also be appreciated (i.e., a repo somewhere).
    Hi Charlie,
    You may want to take a look at
    "The primary purpose of the JDK Sandbox Development Repository is to 
    facilitate OpenJDK developers that are working on non-trivial changes, 
    possibly JEP-scale effort, whose scope and duration make it necessary to 
    collaborate with others in an open shared version control system, rather 
    than just using privately shared patches. "
    dalibor topic
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