RFR[XS] 8249809 avoid calling DirectiveSet::clone(this) in compilecommand_compatibility_init

Liu, Xin xxinliu at amazon.com
Tue Jul 28 03:39:08 UTC 2020

hi, Volker, 

Thank you to review my patch. 

1. yes. I guess nodes are the major memory consumption, but compiler directives are for both c1 and c2. 
it still can reduce memory footprint a little. 

2.  Previous code set the flag here. both ControlIntrinsic and DisableIntrinsic belong to compilerdirectives_common_flags.

 327 #define init_default_cc(name, type, dvalue, cc_flag) { type v; if (!_modified[name##Index] && CompilerOracle::has_option_value(method, #cc_flag, v) && v != this->name##Option) { set->name##Option = v; changed = true;} }
 328     compilerdirectives_common_flags(init_default_cc)

When method-level directives override the global directives, this code snippet set changed. 
Even though I remove the flag 'changed', I have the same logic in the smart pointer. 

3.  the smart pointer DirectiveSetPtr needs to provide 2 accesses of the underlying pointer. 
one is read-only and the other one is mutable. 

Ideally, it should has the following 2 operator->().
DirectiveSet* operator->(); 
DirectiveSet const* operator->(). 

AFAFI, C++ doesn't support covariant return type overload.  That is to say, we need to find a way to work around. 
the reason I provide overload operator*() because it returns a reference to object.  Users who want to modify the pointee have to explicitly dereference the smart pointer. 
(*set).member = newvalue; 
set->member = newvalue; // compiler error. 

your approach also works,  but you need to invoke const_cast<> for all places where you want to  read. 
I think my approach has shorter code. 

I just came up a new idea.  How about I provide a method cloned(), which returns the unqualified pointer?

+  DirectiveSet* cloned() {
+    if (!_clone) {
+      _clone = DirectiveSet::clone(_origin);
+    }
+    return _clone;
+  }
   DirectiveSet* transfer() {
     assert(_origin != NULL, "_origin is NULL! transfer() can only be invoked once.");
     if (_clone != NULL) {
@@ -340,7 +347,7 @@

     if (CompilerOracle::should_print(method)) {
       if (!_modified[PrintAssemblyIndex]) {
-        (*set).PrintAssemblyOption = true;
+        set.cloned()->PrintAssemblyOption = true;


From: Volker Simonis <volker.simonis at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 8:51 AM
To: Liu, Xin
Cc: hotspot-compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] RFR[XS] 8249809 avoid calling DirectiveSet::clone(this) in compilecommand_compatibility_init

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Hi Xin,

I'm not sure if saving the allocation of an DirectiveSet has any
visible effect compared to the much larger allocations required for
the method compilation itself.

Apart from that, I must confess that I'm not totally understanding the
original logic. From what I see, it sets "changed" to true in the case
where it changes the cloned DirectiveSet. But it doesn't do that in
the cases where it only changes the clone's control word:

 341         set->_intrinsic_control_words.fill_in(TriBool());
 348           set->_intrinsic_control_words[id] = iter.is_enabled();
 361         set->_intrinsic_control_words.fill_in(TriBool());
 368           set->_intrinsic_control_words[id] = false;

Why don't these mutations count as "changing"  the cloned DirectiveSet?

After your patch, you've changed the above lines such that they will
always create a clone which seems different from the initial

Which of the two behaviours is correct here, the original one, the new
one after your change or doesn't it matter for reasons I don't

I also wonder why you need to overload both operators "operator*()"
and "operator->()"? It seems a little bit arbitrary (and hard to
understand for people reading the code) that "operator*()" clones the
underlying directiveSet while "operator->()" uses the original one.
Why not just define two versions of "operator->()" and let the
compiler choose the right one like so:

DirectiveSet const* operator->() const {
  return !_clone ? _origin : _clone;

DirectiveSet* operator->() {
  if (!_clone) {
    _clone = DirectiveSet::clone(_origin);
  return _clone;
if (!_modified[LogIndex]) {
  bool log = CompilerOracle::should_log(method);
  if (log != const_cast<const DirectiveSetPtr&>(set)->LogOption) {
    set->LogOption = log;

Thank you and best regards,

On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 1:47 AM Liu, Xin <xxinliu at amazon.com> wrote:
> hi, Reviewers,
> Could you review this simple patch?
> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8249809
> webrev: https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~xliu/8249809/00/webrev/
> When the users specify a method-level compiler directive, the DirectiveSet is cloned for every single compiling method. It's expensive but rarely hit. Actually, Only user-specified methods must clone the DirectiveSet. I introduce a smart pointer DirectiveSetPtr. operator->() returns a pointer to a constant DirectiveSet, which is read-only. It doesn't clone the _origin until c2 need to update its members. transfer() yield the ownership of the pointer.
> Test:
> manually tests with different CompileComand options.
> hotspot:tier1 and gtest:all.
> thanks,
> --lx

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