[15] RFR(M): 8237859: C2: Crash when loads float above range check
Tobias Hartmann
tobias.hartmann at oracle.com
Wed Mar 18 11:20:53 UTC 2020
Hi Christian,
nice summary, looks good to me!
Some comments (no new webrev required):
- loopTransform.cpp:1160 Maybe rephrase "... if the nodes are part of the main loop ..." to "... for
nodes that are part of the main loop ...".
- loopTransform.cpp:1175 "proceeding" -> "preceding" ?
- TestRangeCheckPredicatesControl.java:82 "loop predicates" -> "loop predicate"
Did you check performance with 8237859 and 8240227?
Best regards,
On 11.03.20 18:14, Christian Hagedorn wrote:
> Hi
> Please review the following patch that is an incremental patch to JDK-8240227 [1] which is a
> prerequisite for this fix:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8237859
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~chagedorn/8237859/webrev.incremental.00/ (incremental changes to [1])
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~chagedorn/8237859/webrev.01/ (combined changes, JDK-8237859 with [1])
> In test(), the loop is unswitched and the slow and fast loop are unrolled once. For both loop
> versions, pre/main/post loops are created. The pre-loop is executed once and the main-loop
> represents 2 iterations. Depending on the value of flag, wrappers_array can have length 2 or 3. But
> the unrolled loop bodies contain an access to wrappers_array[1] and wrappers_array[2]. This means
> that in some cases (when flag is true and wrappers_array has length 2), the main-loop is not entered
> and the out-of-bounds access of wrappers_array[2] should not be exeucted. Therefore, the
> corresponding LoadP node should not be scheduled before the If node that decides if the main-loop is
> executed or not. However, this is exactly what happens: The LoadP node is scheduled before the If
> node which decides if the main-loop should be executed resulting in a segfault.
> Background:
> A first observation was that the loop is additionally unswitched. We do not process and rewire
> control edges of range check predicates to data nodes belonging to the loop (for example, 366 IfTrue
> to 247 LoadP in [2] for test()) when unswitching the loop (before doing pre/main/post and
> unrolling). As a result, the slow and fast loop do not have any predicates before the loop header
> node. Some loads could now even be performed before the "loop-selection-if" itself (which either
> selects the slow or fast loop). This can be seen in the mach graph [3] where 145 jmpCon is the
> loop-selection-if that selects between the fast and slow loop and 161 zLoadP reads from index 2
> (which is out of bounds when the wrappers_array has only length 2). This load can now be scheduled
> way too early before deciding if the main-loop is executed (and in fact is scheduled too early
> resulting in a segfault). The fix for JDK-8240227 [1] addresses this problem for loop unswitching
> and clones range check predicates to both unswitched loops and updates the control edges to the data
> nodes to the new predicates accordingly. This first seemed to fix this bug.
> However, it is not enough when only ensuring that the data nodes are not scheduled before the
> loop-selection-if. They can still be scheduled before the If that selects if the main-loop should be
> entered when enabling -XX:+StressGCM. This can even be observed when running test3() with
> -XX:+StressGCM which does not do any loop unswitching. A segfault occurs after a few runs.
> The problem is when creating pre/main/post loops, we do not rewire the control inputs from the range
> check predicate projections to data nodes of the main- and post-loop body to the main- and
> post-loop. For example, in [4], 247 LoadP belongs to the main-loop, 377 LoadP belongs to the
> post-loop and 418 LoadP to the pre-loop. But the control edges of the LoadP nodes belonging to the
> main- and post-loop (247, 377) are not updated. As a result, all new loads created at unrolling also
> have a control input from 366 IfTrue. These loads belonging to the main-loop can then end up being
> scheduled before the If that decides if the main-loop should be entered resulting in a segfault.
> This fix addresses this issue and rewires the control input of data nodes belonging to the main-loop
> to a range check predicate before the pre-loop to the copied main-loop range check predicates
> (copied in PhaseIdealLoop::copy_skeleton_predicates_to_main_loop_helper). When unrolling, the range
> check predicates of the main-loop are updated together with the control edges (done in
> PhaseIdealLoop::update_main_loop_skeleton_predicates). The data nodes belonging to the post-loop are
> rewired to the zero-trip guard If node right before the CountedLoopNode (there are no predicates
> copied down to the post-loop). For example, in [5] (in contrast to [4]), we rewired the control of
> 247 LoadP to the main-loop and the control of 377 LoadP to the post-loop.
> I included some renaming for predicate related code that should make the difference between the
> various predicate types and how they are used clearer (skeleton, copies, updated copies...).
> Thanks to Stefan Karlsson for finding a reproducer and discussing this bug!
> Best regards,
> Christian
> [1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~chagedorn/8240227/webrev.00/
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8240227
> [2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/secure/attachment/87123/LoadP_control_Input.png
> [3] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/secure/attachment/87125/wrong_controls_in_mach_graph.png
> [4] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/secure/attachment/87261/wrong_control_edges_pre_main_post.png
> [5] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/secure/attachment/87262/fixed_control_edges_pre_main_post.png
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