RFR: 8241234: Unify monitor enter/exit runtime entries

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
Mon Mar 30 15:20:48 UTC 2020

On 3/30/20 10:27 AM, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
> On 3/30/20 10:20 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>> On 3/30/20 10:15 AM, Yudi Zheng wrote:
>>> Hi Daniel,
>>> Thanks for the review! I have uploaded a new version with your 
>>> comments addressed:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~yzheng/8241234/webrev.04/
>>>> src/hotspot/share/runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp
>>>>      Please don't forget to update the copyright year before you push.
>>> Fixed.
>>>> src/hotspot/share/runtime/sharedRuntime.cpp
>>>>      L2104:   ObjectSynchronizer::exit(obj, lock, THREAD);
>>>>          The use of 'THREAD' here and 'TRAPS' in the function itself
>>>>          standout more now, but that's something for me to cleanup.
>>> Also, I noticed that C2 was using CHECK
>>>>     ObjectSynchronizer::enter(h_obj, lock, CHECK);
>>> While C1 and JVMCI were using THREAD:
>>>>     ObjectSynchronizer::enter(h_obj, lock->lock(), THREAD);
>>> I have no idea when to use what, and hope unifying to the C2 entries 
>>> would help.
>>> Let me know if there is something I should address in this patch. 
>>> Otherwise, I would
>>> rather leave it to the expert, i.e., you ;)
>> Yes, please leave it for me to clean up.
> It appears that both of these places (monitor_enter_helper and 
> monitor_exit_helper) should be using CATCH.

Here's CATCH:


// The CATCH macro checks that no exception has been thrown by a 
function; it is used at
// call sites about which is statically known that the callee cannot 
throw an exception
// even though it is declared with TRAPS.

#define CATCH                              \
     oop ex = PENDING_EXCEPTION;            \
     CLEAR_PENDING_EXCEPTION;               \
     ex->print();                           \
     ShouldNotReachHere();                  \
   } (void)(0

I don't think you want either monitor_enter_helper() or
monitor_exit_helper() crashing the VM via a ShouldNotReachHere()
if someone happens to throw an exception at a thread during
a 'monitorenter' or 'monitorexit' bytecode.

What am I missing here?


> Coleen
>>>> src/hotspot/share/c1/c1_Runtime1.cpp
>>>>      old L718:   assert(thread == JavaThread::current(), "threads 
>>>> must correspond");
>>>>          Removed in favor of the assert in 
>>>> SharedRuntime::monitor_enter_helper().
>>>>          Okay that makes sense.
>>>>      old L721:   EXCEPTION_MARK;
>>>>          Removed in favor of the same in 
>>>> SharedRuntime::monitor_enter_helper().
>>>>          Okay that makes sense.
>>>> src/hotspot/share/jvmci/jvmciRuntime.cpp
>>>>      old L403:   assert(thread == JavaThread::current(), "threads 
>>>> must correspond");
>>>>      old L406:   EXCEPTION_MARK;
>>>>          Same as for c1_Runtime1.cpp
>>> I assume I don’t need to do anything regarding the comments above.
>> Correct. Just observations on the old code.
>>>>      L390:     TRACE_jvmci_3("%s: entered locking slow case with 
>>>> obj="...
>>>>      L394:   TRACE_jvmci_3("%s: exiting locking slow with obj="
>>>>      L417:     TRACE_jvmci_3("%s: exited locking slow case with obj="
>>>>          But this is no longer the "slow" case so I'm a bit confused.
>>>>          Update: I see there's a comment about the tracing being 
>>>> removed.
>>>>          I have no opinion on that since it is JVM/CI code, but the 
>>>> word
>>>>          "slow" needs to be adjusted if you keep it.
>>> I removed all the tracing code.
>> Thanks for cleaning that up.
>> Dan
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Yudi

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