RFR: 8261142: AArch64: Incorrect instruction encoding when right-shifting vectors with shift amount equals to the element width [v10]

Dong Bo dongbo at openjdk.java.net
Thu Feb 25 01:47:40 UTC 2021

On Wed, 24 Feb 2021 07:31:14 GMT, Dong Bo <dongbo at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Hi, @theRealAph
>>> I've rebased the tests so that sshr/ushr/sshl/ssra/usra are accessed in one jtreg `test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorapi/TestVectorShiftImm.java`.
>>> Local tests by manually injected error shows all instructions are covered by the jtreg case. Suggestions?
>> I'm not seeing ```sra``` used anywhere.
>> The problem I see with the tests is that the methods are large. This causes C2 to do a lot of spilling. Also, because the resuling code is intertwined and complex, it's very hard to debug.
>> It would be far better to do something like this:
>>     void long_shift_add(long arrLongs[][], LongVector vba, LongVector vbb, int i) {
>>         vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.LSHR, 37)).intoArray(arrLongs[op], 2 * i);
>>         vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.LSHR, 64)).intoArray(arrLongs[op  + 1], 2 * i);
>>         vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.LSHR, 99)).intoArray(arrLongs[op  + 2], 2 * i);
>>         vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.LSHR, 128)).intoArray(arrLongs[op + 3], 2 * i);
>>         vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.LSHR, 157)).intoArray(arrLongs[op + 4], 2 * i);
>>         vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.LSHR, 192)).intoArray(arrLongs[op + 5], 2 * i);
>>     }
>> > Local tests by manually injected error shows all instructions are covered by the jtreg case. Suggestions?
>> I'm not seeing `sra` used anywhere.
>> The problem I see with the tests is that the methods are large. This causes C2 to do a lot of spilling. Also, because the resuling code is intertwined and complex, it's very hard to debug.
>> It would be far better to do something like this:
>> ```
>>     void long_shift_add(long arrLongs[][], LongVector vba, LongVector vbb, int i) {
>>         vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.LSHR, 37)).intoArray(arrLongs[op], 2 * i);
>>         vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.LSHR, 64)).intoArray(arrLongs[op  + 1], 2 * i);
>>         vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.LSHR, 99)).intoArray(arrLongs[op  + 2], 2 * i);
>>         vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.LSHR, 128)).intoArray(arrLongs[op + 3], 2 * i);
>>         vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.LSHR, 157)).intoArray(arrLongs[op + 4], 2 * i);
>>         vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.LSHR, 192)).intoArray(arrLongs[op + 5], 2 * i);
>>     }
>> ```
> Weird, I took a look at the the assembly, `ssra` did accessed by the tests on our server:
> $ ./build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/bin/java --add-modules jdk.incubator.vector -XX:CompileThreshold=1000 -XX:CompileCommand=print,compiler/vectorapi/TestVectorShiftImm.shift_* test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorapi/TestVectorShiftImm.java 64 &> assembly_vlen64.txt
> $ ./build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/bin/java --add-modules jdk.incubator.vector -XX:CompileThreshold=1000 -XX:CompileCommand=print,compiler/vectorapi/TestVectorShiftImm.shift_* test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorapi/TestVectorShiftImm.java 128 &> assembly_vlen128.txt
> $ cat assembly_vlen*.txt | grep "ssra"
> 02c0    ssra    V18, V17, #37   # vector (2D)
> 02c8    ssra    V19, V17, #0    # vector (2D)
> 02d0    ssra    V20, V17, #35   # vector (2D)
> 0308    ssra    V18, V17, #29   # vector (2D)
> 0644    ssra    V18, V17, #37   # vector (2D)
> 064c    ssra    V19, V17, #0    # vector (2D)
> 0654    ssra    V20, V17, #35   # vector (2D)
> 0674    ssra    V18, V17, #29   # vector (2D)
> 0798    ssra    V18, V17, #37   # vector (2D)
> 07a0    ssra    V19, V17, #0    # vector (2D)
> 07a8    ssra    V20, V17, #35   # vector (2D)
> 07e0    ssra    V18, V17, #29   # vector (2D)
>   0x0000ffff83f7e500:   ssra    v18.2d, v17.2d, #37         ;*aload_0 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
>   0x0000ffff83f7e510:   ssra    v20.2d, v17.2d, #35         ;*iand {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
>   0x0000ffff83f7e548:   ssra    v18.2d, v17.2d, #29         ;*if_icmpne {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
>   0x0000ffff83f7e884:   ssra    v18.2d, v17.2d, #37
>   0x0000ffff83f7e894:   ssra    v20.2d, v17.2d, #35
>   0x0000ffff83f7e8b4:   ssra    v18.2d, v17.2d, #29
>   0x0000ffff83f7e9d8:   ssra    v18.2d, v17.2d, #37         ;*invokestatic broadcastInt {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
>   0x0000ffff83f7e9e8:   ssra    v20.2d, v17.2d, #35         ;*invokestatic broadcastInt {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
>   0x0000ffff83f7ea20:   ssra    v18.2d, v17.2d, #29         ;*checkcast {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
> 284     ssra    V18, V17, #9    # vector (4S)
> 28c     ssra    V19, V17, #0    # vector (4S)
> 294     ssra    V20, V17, #15   # vector (4S)
>   0x0000ffff83f822c4:   ssra    v18.4s, v17.4s, #9          ;*invokedynamic {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
>   0x0000ffff83f822d4:   ssra    v20.4s, v17.4s, #15
> 284     ssra    V18, V17, #1    # vector (8H)
> 28c     ssra    V19, V17, #8    # vector (8H)
> ...
> Also injected error to `sshr+add` by:
> --- a/src/hotspot/cpu/aarch64/macroAssembler_aarch64.hpp
> +++ b/src/hotspot/cpu/aarch64/macroAssembler_aarch64.hpp
> @@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ public:
>  #define WRAP(INSN)                                                                \
>    void INSN(FloatRegister Vd, SIMD_Arrangement T, FloatRegister Vn, int shift) {  \
>      if (shift == 0) {                                                             \
> -      Assembler::addv(Vd, T, Vd, Vn);                                             \
> +      Assembler::subv(Vd, T, Vd, Vn);                                             \
>      } else {                                                                      \
>        Assembler::INSN(Vd, T, Vn, shift);                                          \
>      }                                                                             \
> The `shift+add` tests failed as expected:
> $ ./build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/bin/java --add-modules jdk.incubator.vector -XX:CompileThreshold=1000 -XX:-TieredCompilation test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorapi/TestVectorShiftImm.java 64
> WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.vector
> warning: using incubating module(s): jdk.incubator.vector
> 1 warning
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Test Failed, failed tests:
> type SHORT index 19, operation ASHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 64.
> type SHORT index 21, operation ASHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 64.
> type SHORT index 23, operation ASHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 64.
> type SHORT index 25, operation LSHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 64.
> type SHORT index 27, operation LSHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 64.
> type SHORT index 29, operation LSHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 64.
> type INTEGER index 19, operation ASHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 64.
> type INTEGER index 21, operation ASHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 64.
> type INTEGER index 23, operation ASHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 64.
> type INTEGER index 25, operation LSHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 64.
> type INTEGER index 27, operation LSHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 64.
> type INTEGER index 29, operation LSHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 64.
> ...
> $ ./build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/bin/java --add-modules jdk.incubator.vector -XX:CompileThreshold=1000 -XX:-TieredCompilation test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorapi/TestVectorShiftImm.java 128
> WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.vector
> warning: using incubating module(s): jdk.incubator.vector
> 1 warning
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Test Failed, failed tests:
> type LONG index 49, operation ASHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 128.
> type LONG index 51, operation ASHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 128.
> type LONG index 53, operation ASHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 128.
> type LONG index 55, operation LSHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 128.
> type LONG index 57, operation LSHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 128.
> type LONG index 59, operation LSHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 128.
> type SHORT index 49, operation ASHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 128.
> type SHORT index 51, operation ASHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 128.
> type SHORT index 53, operation ASHR_AND_ACCUMULATE, vector length 128.
> ...
> Anyway, I extracted operations you suggested into `shift_op_*` methods.
> Performed the error-injected experiments with the new tests on Kunpeng916 and re-checked the assembly output, results looks good.
> The test command I used to run the newest tests are:
> $ ./build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/bin/java --add-modules jdk.incubator.vector -XX:-TieredCompilation -XX:CompileThreshold=1000 -Dvlen=64 -XX:CompileCommand=print,compiler/vectorapi/TestVectorShiftImm.shift_* test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorapi/TestVectorShiftImm.java &> assembly_vlen64.txt
> $ ./build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/bin/java --add-modules jdk.incubator.vector -XX:-TieredCompilation -XX:CompileThreshold=1000 -Dvlen=128 -XX:CompileCommand=print,compiler/vectorapi/TestVectorShiftImm.shift_* test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorapi/TestVectorShiftImm.java &> assembly_vlen128.txt
> $ cat assembly_vlen64.txt | grep ssra; cat assembly_vlen128.txt | grep ssra

> _Mailing list message from [Andrew Haley](mailto:aph at redhat.com) on [hotspot-compiler-dev](mailto:hotspot-compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net):_
> On 24/02/2021 07:33, Dong Bo wrote:
> > Weird, I took a look at the the assembly, `ssra` did accessed by the tests on our server:
> I don't doubt it, but the test code is so very complex that it can
> fall foul of heuristics given slightly changed circumstances. That's
> why good test cases are as simple as possible, and allow no room for
> variations because they do only one thing. Precise targeting should
> be the goal of HotSpot back-end test cases.
Understood, thanks. :-)
Does the newest version address the considerations?
I extracted the `shift`/`shift+add` operations into separate methods, mostly as suggested in previous comments, something like:
    static int shift_op_long_ASHR_and_ADD(LongVector vba, LongVector vbb, long arrLongs[][], int end, int ind) {
        vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.ASHR, 37)).intoArray(arrLongs[end++], ind);
        vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.ASHR, 64)).intoArray(arrLongs[end++], ind);
        vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.ASHR, 99)).intoArray(arrLongs[end++], ind);
        vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.ASHR, 128)).intoArray(arrLongs[end++], ind);
        vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.ASHR, 157)).intoArray(arrLongs[end++], ind);
        vba.add(vbb.lanewise(VectorOperators.ASHR, 192)).intoArray(arrLongs[end++], ind);
        return end;


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/2472

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