RFR: 8263385: IGV: Graph is not opened in the window that has focus.

Koichi Sakata ksakata at openjdk.java.net
Mon Jul 19 05:59:55 UTC 2021

On Tue, 18 May 2021 03:01:58 GMT, Koichi Sakata <ksakata at openjdk.org> wrote:

> This pull request enables IGV opens a graph in the window that is focused.
> At the moment IGV opens a graph in the window that has the graph and is found first. So in this pull request I used preferentially the active EditorTopComponent.
> I tested the following scenarios manually:
> 1. Open a graph, open clone, then open another graph (as described in the bug report). It replaces the clone graph with the last opened graph.
> 2. Open a graph, open clone, swap tabs by dragging the clone graph, then open another graph. It replaces the clone graph with the last opened graph.
> 3. Open a graph, open clone, change the focus from the clone graph to the first graph, then open another graph. It replaces the first graph with the last opened graph.
> 4. Open a graph, open clone, open the same graph xml file from the toolbar, open a graph in the second folder, then open a graph in the first folder. It replaces the leftmost graph that was opened the first with the last opened graph.

Thank you for sponsoring it, Yi!


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4078

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