Withdrawn: 8266720: Wrong implementation in LibraryCallKit::inline_vector_shuffle_iota

Wang Huang whuang at openjdk.java.net
Thu May 13 01:50:01 UTC 2021

On Sat, 8 May 2021 02:30:06 GMT, Wang Huang <whuang at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Dear All,
>   Here is the patch of JDK-8266720. Could you do me a favor to review this?
> * Reproduce:
>    * cherry-pick JDK-8265956 
>    * run patch's `TestVectorShuffleIotaByteWrongImpl.java`
>    * However, this wrong of this code is obvious.
> * Reason :
>  1. In interpreter: 
> static int partiallyWrapIndex(int index, int laneCount) {
>     return checkIndex0(index, laneCount, (byte)-1);
> }
> @ForceInline
> static int checkIndex0(int index, int laneCount, byte mode) {
>     int wrapped = VectorIntrinsics.wrapToRange(index, laneCount);
>     if (mode == 0 || wrapped == index) { // NOTE here
>         return wrapped;
>     }
>     if (mode < 0) {
>         return wrapped - laneCount;  // special mode for internal storage
>     }
>     throw checkIndexFailed(index, laneCount);
> }
> @ForceInline
> static int wrapToRange(int index, int size) {
>     if ((size & (size - 1)) == 0) {
>         // Size is zero or a power of two, so we got this.
>         return index & (size - 1);
>     } else {
>         return wrapToRangeNPOT(index, size);
>     }
> }
> 2. However, we have this intrinsics in   
> src/hotspot/share/opto/vectorIntrinsics.cpp [jdk/jdk]
> ```c++
>  386   } else {
>  387     ConINode* pred_node = (ConINode*)gvn().makecon(TypeInt::make(1)); // BoolTest::gt here
>  388     Node * lane_cnt  = gvn().makecon(TypeInt::make(num_elem));
>  389     Node * bcast_lane_cnt = gvn().transform(VectorNode::scalar2vector(lane_cnt, num_elem, type_bt));
> // here BoolTest::ge != 1 (which means BoolTest::gt)
>  390     Node* mask = gvn().transform(new VectorMaskCmpNode(BoolTest::ge, bcast_lane_cnt, res, pred_node, vt));
> 3. In `aarch64` neon backend, we use `BoolTest::ge` for generated code:
> ```c++
> // cond is useless here
> instruct vcmge8B(vecD dst, vecD src1, vecD src2, immI cond)
> %{
>   predicate(n->as_Vector()->length() == 8 &&
>             n->as_VectorMaskCmp()->get_predicate() == BoolTest::ge &&
>             n->in(1)->in(1)->bottom_type()->is_vect()->element_basic_type() == T_BYTE);
>   match(Set dst (VectorMaskCmp (Binary src1 src2) cond));
>   format %{ "cmge  $dst, T8B, $src1, $src2\t# vector cmp (8B)" %}
>   ins_cost(INSN_COST);
>   ins_encode %{
>     __ cmge(as_FloatRegister($dst$$reg), __ T8B,
>             as_FloatRegister($src1$$reg), as_FloatRegister($src2$$reg));
>   %}
>   ins_pipe(vdop64);
> %}
> However, we use cond (=1 or BoolTest::gt). So X86 is **right** on jdk/jdk
> ```c++
> instruct vcmp(legVec dst, legVec src1, legVec src2, immI8 cond, rRegP scratch) %{
>   predicate(vector_length_in_bytes(n->in(1)->in(1)) >=  8 && // src1
>             vector_length_in_bytes(n->in(1)->in(1)) <= 32 && // src1
>             is_integral_type(vector_element_basic_type(n->in(1)->in(1)))); // src1
>   match(Set dst (VectorMaskCmp (Binary src1 src2) cond));
>   effect(TEMP scratch);
>   format %{ "vector_compare $dst,$src1,$src2,$cond\t! using $scratch as TEMP" %}
>   ins_encode %{
>     int vlen_enc = vector_length_encoding(this, $src1);
>     Assembler::ComparisonPredicate cmp = booltest_pred_to_comparison_pred($cond$$constant);
>     Assembler::Width ww = widthForType(vector_element_basic_type(this, $src1));
>     __ vpcmpCCW($dst$$XMMRegister, $src1$$XMMRegister, $src2$$XMMRegister, cmp, ww, vlen_enc, $scratch$$Register);
>   %}
>   ins_pipe( pipe_slow );
> %}
> 4. In repo `panama-vector`, both of them are wrong, because the IR is fixed:
> ```c++
>  455   } else {
>  456     ConINode* pred_node = (ConINode*)gvn().makecon(TypeInt::make(BoolTest::ge));// WRONG here
>  457     Node * lane_cnt  = gvn().makecon(TypeInt::make(num_elem));
>  458     Node * bcast_lane_cnt = gvn().transform(VectorNode::scalar2vector(lane_cnt, num_elem, type_bt));
>  459     Node* mask = gvn().transform(new VectorMaskCmpNode(BoolTest::ge, bcast_lane_cnt, res, pred_node, vt));
> Yours, 
> Wang Huang

This pull request has been closed without being integrated.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/3933

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