Integrated: 8277878: Fix compiler tests after JDK-8275908

Volker Simonis simonis at
Mon Nov 29 12:33:10 UTC 2021

On Sat, 27 Nov 2021 09:53:26 GMT, Volker Simonis <simonis at> wrote:

> This is a quick fix for the two compiler tests introduced by JDK-8275908. The test explicitly added SerialGC in the parameter list which leads to a garbage collector conflict, if the tests are run with some other Garbage collector.
> It was suggested to fix this by adding a `@requires vm.gc.Serial` tag but this is not necessary because the tests are actually GC-agnostic so I've removed the `-XX:+UseSerialGC` parameter from the test command line instead.
> After the fix it was necessary to refine the check for whether the test JVM has JVMCI support built-in. Before the fix, I used  `WhiteBox.getWhiteBox().isJVMCISupportedByGC()` which worked fine if only running with SerialGC. Now that we can run with GCs which don't support JVMCI we have to use the more specific `(WB.getBooleanVMFlag("EnableJVMCI") != null)`.
> Please let me know if you want me to push this instantly after it has been reviewed or if you first want to re-run your internal Tier3 tests before pushing.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 614c6e61
Author:    Volker Simonis <simonis at>
Stats:     4 lines in 2 files changed: 1 ins; 0 del; 3 mod

8277878: Fix compiler tests after JDK-8275908

Reviewed-by: thartmann, chagedorn



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