RFR: 8280476: [macOS] : hotspot arm64 bug exposed by latest clang

Daniel D.Daugherty dcubed at openjdk.java.net
Thu Feb 3 17:25:05 UTC 2022

On Thu, 3 Feb 2022 04:32:48 GMT, Kim Barrett <kbarrett at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> @adinn - Thanks for chiming in on this review thread.
>> I'm reading and re-reading your comments and it will take me a while
>> to put it all in proper context.
>> I do agree with one of your points:
>>> `replicate` is never actually called with `count == 0`
>> so that means that this:
>>     `assert(count <= 1, "must be");`
>> is a little too loose and should change to:
>>     `assert(count == 1, "must be");`
>> if we're going to keep it at all. I think we should keep it, but
>> I can be convinced otherwise since the original code had no
>> similar `assert()`.
>> @kimbarrett - I've re-read your comments and I'm not clear
>> on whether you think that `result <<= nbits` is UB when
>> `nbits == 64`. Can you please clarify?
>> Of course, it's not helping matters that I can't reproduce the
>> failure mode reported by Apple and we're getting no response
>> about our request for version info.
> It's definitely UB according to the language.  Then there's the question of what the hardware might actually implement in the cases where the compiler doesn't recognize it and the relevant instruction(s) are executed with that value.  I know I've seen hardware that used the shift quantity mod word-size.  I think I've seen hardware that would just shift out all the bits, leaving a value of 0.  One reason for the language to make this UB is because of hardware variance.  Oh, and I *think* I've seen hardware where it was UB and would produce "strange" results.

@kimbarrett - Thanks for confirming that we have UB here.

@adinn - I'll take a look and updating the `assert()` calls and retest.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7270

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