RFR: 8283894: Intrinsify compress and expand bits on x86 [v6]

John R Rose jrose at openjdk.java.net
Tue May 24 17:22:59 UTC 2022

On Mon, 16 May 2022 15:20:08 GMT, Jatin Bhateja <jbhateja at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/hotspot/share/opto/intrinsicnode.cpp line 213:
>>> 211: }
>>> 212: 
>>> 213: Node* ExpandBitsNode::Identity(PhaseGVN* phase) {
>> I also suggest adding a boolean if `compress_expand_identity` if you add rules which don't apply to both equally.
>> Here is possible type-propagation logic for compress and expand:
>> let SIGN_BIT = (((IntOrLong)-1)>>>1)+1  (bit 31 or 63)
>> let MAX_POS  = (((IntOrLong)-1)>>>1)
>> lot BITS = 1+bitCount(MAX_POS)  (32 or 64)
>> if (both x, m are con) {
>>   // maybe use these rules, by porting the Java code to C++
>>   compress(CON[x], CON[m]) ] = CON[portable_compress(x,m)]
>>   expand(CON[x], CON[m]) ] = CON[portable_expand(x,m)]
>>   // see also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38938911/portable-efficient-alternative-to-pdep-without-using-bmi2
>> } else if (m is CON[m] && m != -1) {
>>   //compress(x, -1) = x   //identity handled elsewhere
>>   //expand(x, -1) = x     //identity handled elsewhere
>>   let bitc = bitCount(m)
>>   LO[ compress(x, CON[m]) ] = 0  //sign bit is never set
>>   HI[ compress(x, CON[m]) ] = ((1L<<bitc)-1)  //unsigned bit-support
>>   LO[ expand(x, CON[m]) ] = (m >= 0) ? 0 : SIGN_BIT //sign bit might be set alone
>>   HI[ expand(x, CON[m]) ] = (m >= 0) ? m : m ^ SIGN_BIT
>>   // could improve a little by looking TYPE[x], but do not bother
>> } else {
>>   // estimate maximum possible weight of m (in 0..63)
>>   let  maxbitc = BITS   if (LO[m] < 0 && HI[m] >= -1)  // could be -1
>>   else maxbitc = BITS-1 if (LO[m] < 0 || HI[m] == MAX_POS)  // <0 or maxint
>>   else maxbitc = BITS-1 - numberOfLeadingZeros(HI[m])
>>   LO[ compress(x, m) ] = (maxbitc == 64 && LO[x] < 0) ? SIGN_BIT : 0
>>   HI[ compress(x, m) ] = (maxbitc >= 63) ? HI[x] : MIN(HI[x], (1L<<maxbitc)-1)
>>   LO[ expand(x, m) ] = (LO[m] >= 0) ? 0 : SIGN_BIT
>>   HI[ expand(x, m) ] = (LO[m] >= 0) ? HI[m] : MAX_POS
>> }
>> The operands of compress and expand are inherently unsigned bitmasks, so the signed type system of C2 gets in the way.  In the future, a somewhat more thorough job could be done if we had bitwise types as well in C2.  For that that would mean, see https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8001436
> I have handled these transformation separately in ideal/identity and value routines.

OK.  I see you did just the constant-folding part of `Value` which is reasonable.

Please file a followup bug to capture the more elaborate type inferencing proposal, for later use if warranted.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8498

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